Chapter 24: My Best friend and My brother

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Lilith's Pov:

I woke up to the sound of buzzing on my phone. When the hell did I go to sleep? I sat up in bed as I wondered what happened the last thing I remember was the Halloween party. I grabbed my phone and unlocked it. I saw I had two texts from Lexi. One from last night and one from this morning.

The one from last night that read:

Lexi- I am taking your advice and getting laid. I hope you're safe!

The one from this morning read:

Lexi- Bitch! I have so much to tell you. But I need you to come and get me now before I cave in for more dick. If I do, girl You might not see me till next week!

I smiled at that as I texted her back quickly:

I just woke up. Let me get dressed and I'll be there. Text me the address! Did he fuck you stupid or something!

I couldn't help but tease her a bit as I finally got out of bed. I placed my phone on the bed and stretched out my body. A few seconds later my phone buzzed again. I leaned over the bed and laughed at the response I got from her.

Lexi- He ruined me is what he did. I am so fucking sore, girl. But I love it!

I saw the address under her words, so I copy and pasted it into my GPS. I rushed to the bathroom, brushed my teeth and did a quick birdbath. After that, I grabbed my phone, car keys and brown shoulder purse. I let some of my magic surround me, dressing me in a plaid blazer, black t-shirt, faded jeans, and black booties.

I walked out of the apartment and locked the door behind me. I rushed down the stairs and practically jumped into my car. I rushed over to my brother's place, anxious to hear all the details from last night. As I drove, I remembered how last night went for me.

How at the party, I noticed that after just a few drinks that Alexis was moving around, and slurring her words in a way that seemed like she was drunker than she was. I didn't like it one bit, even though it did make her more chatty and honest than usual. Before I left her in the hands of my brother, I kissed her.

I tasted a drug on her lips and I used my power to take all the effect from her. No way, was I going to leave my best friend, drugged up with my brother. I wanted to find out who the hell had the gall, to drug my friend. That's when I noticed Baltazar and asked for his help.

I was going to give him information about his mates in exchange, but he refused me. Which was annoying as hell, this whole thing would have been over much faster with help.

But that didn't stop me. Nothing would stop me when it comes to helping those I love. I searched the party for whoever was carrying the same drug that was on Alexis' lips earlier. I remember shaking down a few humans until I found the right one.

I seduced the guy, to get some energy from him as well as teach him a lesson about drugging people. I can't remember anything after that though. Which is odd, demons don't get memory loss. I tried not to dwell on it as I drove over to my brother's place. I wonder if he finally told Lexi the truth.

Once I parked in the garage of the hotel, I pulled out my phone, texting Lexi that I was here. I got out of my car and I went to my camera, then switch it over to video mode. I wanted to record Lexi and bombarded her with questions about last night. Last night was her first time ever getting laid.

How could I not record her reaction to it the next day? I noticed something in the little square corner of my screen. It was a video I don't remember taking at all. I was just about to press the video to play it when I voice called out.

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