Chapter 45: First Date Discussions

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Baltazar's Pov:

I moved to sit in the back seat next to Alexis that is until Corciel shook his head at me. I know I could have fought him on this, phased through him to get in the car.

I also knew that this new balance that Corciel and I formed is very fragile and I didn't want to be the one to break it. So, I got back into the front passenger seat and reached across to push the driver side door open for him.

Once Corciel started to drive Alexis spoke up in a stern tone, "We can't stay out too late, I have work tomorrow, you know."

"Yes and we all know how much you love your job", Corciel commented in a dry tone as he turned his head to look back at her.

She scowled at him as she pointed ahead in a clear gesture that meant, 'eyes on the road'. Corciel simply smirked at her as he kept driving.

I jumped into the conversation, "Well, living is rather expensive. What do you suggest she quit her job? Where would that leave her?"

"If she did, I would take care of her financially. Which would leave her more time to work on her writing, which is her passion," Corciel turned his head to answer my questions, his smirk never wavering.

"Trying to be my Sugar Daddy is not appropriate first date discussions", Alexis pointed out quickly in her mild irritation.

Curious, I turned to face her as I asked, "What is appropriate first date discussions?"

Alexis blinked at my question a very light blush forming on her face as she said, "Umm."

She pulled out her phone from her pocket and tapped the screen a few times. Corciel chuckled for some reason which caused Alexis to huff as she looked at her phone.

After a few seconds, she asked a question that she read off her phone, "What are your closest friends like?"

I tensed at the question, it would be so simple to answer if certain events never transpired. Even still, the name that came to mind upon hearing the words 'closest friends' was Torriat.

I looked out the window as I thought of the possible outcomes of telling Corciel about Torriat. Would he start to go after my old friend as his sister has been?

Would my confessing that Torriat is my friend break this balance between us? And what would Alexis think of all this?

Would she side with Corciel? Would she change her mind about keeping me around as her lover?

Thankfully Corciel's voice broke me out of my worried thoughts and taught me a little more about him, "Demons don't usually make friends with each other, but I do have an old friend."

"And?", Alexis prompted him to continue with a raised eyebrow, as she leans forward a little from her seat.

"That's all you need to know", He said in a matter of fact tone as he kept his eyes on the road.

"That doesn't answer the question", Alexis pointed out with a slight whine clear in her tone, before she pouted.

"Oh is it annoying to have to drag an answer out of someone, Doll?", He asked in a sarcastic tone.

"Fuck you", Alexis spat out the words before she continued in a kinder tone, "What about you, Zar?"

I lifted a hand to scratch the back of my head as I did the only thing I could do at the moment, deflect, "Elly, you don't have to tell us much about him. How about three facts?"

I felt Corciel's eyes on me, I shifted in my seat as the heat from his stare warmed my skin. I turned to face him, glancing up at him from under my eyelashes as I added, "Please, I like learning about you."

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