Chapter 15: One Answer, Two questions

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Baltazar's Pov:

I was pulled out of Alexis' dream, and taken back to my charge's home. It was a lot of information to take in. Alexis is my soulmate, but she isn't my only soulmate. I know her last name in my heart but not my mind. Which means that someone took my memory from me. The only angel I know that is close enough to me to do that is Torriat.

I looked up at the state of the sky. I had maybe, two hours before my charge woke up and started his day. I need to find out what I can in two hours. I extended my wings and flew up to heaven, to give my old friend a visit. Luckily, when I got there, my friend was nowhere to be seen.

He must be with his charge. I just needed to rule him out as a suspect, I mean it's not like Torrait is the only angel that can mess with someone's memory. I went over to his closet, where he held the memories that he took from angels who didn't want to remember certain things anymore. Guilt bubbled inside me as I reached for the handle of the closet.

As quickly as the guilt bubbled, an overwhelming wave of curiosity hit me. When my hand touched the handle, I felt something inside the closest call out to me. My hand tightened on the handle, the wood creaked as if to cry out in pain. The sound was drowned out by the loud pounding of my hearts in my ears. Torrait did take a memory from me after all.

The pride I felt from being correct was small. It stood in the shadow of my anger at Torrait for taking a memory from me. I pulled the closet open with more strength than needed. The door hit the wall with a loud slamming sound. I stared at the different colored lights in jars on the shelves of the closet. I grabbed the jar that called to me like a siren. I held the jar in my hand, my other hand gripping the top ready to pull it off.

Some part of me shouted in my head, "Don't open it. He'll know this memory is gone the next time he opens the closet. We'll lose the element of surprise!"

"The element of surprise. Are we at war with our oldest friend?", I asked myself as I stared down at my reflection on the jar.

"He violated us! Stole our memory without our consent. He was supposed to leave the memory of agreeing to the removal, but he didn't. This memory could be about our soulmate! He deserves to pay for that!", The part of me shouted I identified that part as my anger.

I let out a deep sigh as I wondered how I was going to figure out what this memory is exactly if I don't open it?

"Break it and a few others jars. That way Torrait will think someone broke in and won't immediately suspect us", My anger shouted out its brilliant idea.

I tighten my hold on the glass container that held my stolen memory. I could break it open and a few others. Yet the others were most likely voluntarily taken memories. Which means those angels don't want to remember these things. My eyes looked at all the other jars and I let out another sigh. What if those other memories weren't taken voluntarily?

I lifted the jar above my head and moved my hand down to smash the container on the ground. Yet, mid-swing the light ball that was my memory grew brighter and the container started to warm slightly. I looked down at the jar with my eyebrows pulled together in confusion.

"I can't believe your acting like this, my friend", I heard the voice of Torriat which made a chill go down my spine as I wondered if I was caught.

I turned around ready to face him only to be faced with the empty room. The entire wall lit up in a way that I have never seen before. Torriat was in the wall made of light. It looked like a movie playing out.

I heard my own voice, chuckling before I spoke, "What is that suppose to mean Torriat?"

He scowled lightly at me as he shifted in his seat, "I think you've been spending far too much time on earth. It's like you're obsessed with your charge."

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