Chapter 29: An Angel's First Ache

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Baltazar's Pov:

I stared at the demon as Alexis held his hand. I wanted her to hold my hand too. Yet, I didn't feel jealous of the demon. Which is odd, I was taught that demons were bad. Why would I be tied to a demon as my soulmate?

I looked over at him, seeing his true form through his human disguise. Aren't demons supposed to be ugly, terrifying creatures, made of nightmares? This demon is annoying beautiful, alluring in a way that seemed more like an Angel than a demon.

I wanted to be closer to him. Touch him as Alexis is now. Maybe even ask him to show me the pleasure in pain as he did for Alexis. Would I not regret the decision like she hasn't? I placed my hand on the desk, reaching ever so slowly closer to the demon's other hand. What would I feel when I touch him?

"He won't take you from me, no one will", He spoke with a quiet rage as he pulled his hands back to his body, clamping them together over his desk.

I blinked at the missed opportunity, dragging my eyes up from where his hand was. I looked into his eyes as I spoke for once towards him, with zero malic in my tone, "I don't want to take her from you. I only want what's best for her, to protect her and make her happy. She wants you in her life and I respect her decision."

Corciel narrowed his eyes at me as he inhaled deeply. I heard Alexis's voice clear with determination, "I want both of you in my life. Please try it for me. Don't make me choose because I won't."

Corciel exhaled as he tilted his head to the left. His left hand lifted up, the fingertip of his middle finger tracing his left eyebrow. He let out a scoff like a laugh before he spoke, "How can you ask for a polyamorous relationship when you don't even know what it's like to date either of us?"

Alexis pulled her eyebrows together, her nose scrunched up a little as confusion danced in her eyes, "Is that how it's supposed to go? I've never done this before."

She looked between us with an innocent gleam in her eyes that I found adorable. I smiled as I spoke turning my body to face Alexis a little more, "Dating would change our status from strangers".

I glance over at Corciel for a moment then I continued, "You've already made up your mind about this, my love. Give us that same time to get to know each other better. We could have separate dates and come to a decision in three months".

"Make it six months and I agree with the Angel", Corciel said in a tone that mixed reluctance, tiredness, and an underlying excitement.

Alexis raised a hand, lifting her pointer and middle finger in the air, while the rest of her fingers and thumb stayed down. Her voice came out sharp and assertive, "Two months. You have two months to date me individually, fix this shit you have with each other, and give me an answer to my proposal. If you don't agree with this, there is no point in me staying here."

There is a faint quiver in her voice at the last sentence that took some of the threat out of her words. She was putting on a brave face, trying to give us a non-negotiable argument. We agree to her terms or she'll leave our lives, even if it hurt her to do so. She was afraid that we would say no and she would have to go.

I could see it as clear as glass on her face. I suppose after all that time I spend in her dreams I figured out the way she thinks, even if it is just a little. I glanced over at Corciel, I wondered if he caught these things as well? Did he know her as I do? He has spent more time with her in reality instead of a dream, and he saved her from an assault.

I reached forward, taking Alexis's hand in mind, stoking my thumb on the back of her hand. I smiled at the feel of the light and peace I am filled with from her skin touching mine. I looked up at her from starting at the contrast the hues of our skin are. Her brown eyes looked a little unsure as they stared into my own.

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