Chapter 26: Procrastinating

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Alexis’ Pov:

“I need more time to really think this over, Lil”, I told her once I finished off my cup.

She narrowed her eyes at me as she lifted a hand. She flicked my nose playfully, “That’s fine. Do you want me to keep Corciel away and tell Baltazar to give you some space?”

I narrowed my eyes at her as I lifted a hand to rub my nose. I let out a sigh as I got out of my seat and walked over to the sink with my mug. I started to run the water and clean out the mug as I answered her, “I don’t know, Yes?”

Lilith walked up behind me, wrapping her arms around me, “Don’t dwell on it too long. Remember whatever choice you make, I have your back.”

I rinsed the mug and placed it on the dish rack. Then I leaned back against Lilith, giving her my full weight as I turned my head. Peppering her cheek with kisses, I spoke, “Thank you, Lil.”

I pulled away from Lilith after I dried my hands on the hand towel near the sink. I lifted my hands, running them through my hair as I let out a breath, “I don’t think you can keep Baltazar away. He’s my guardian angel”

Lilith pulled her eyebrows together in confusion, “What since when?”

I stretched one of my hands behind my back. Using my other arm to push my arm down further. I awkwardly shrugged my shoulders and switched arms as I answered her question, “Since last night, or this morning.”

I allowed my arms to flop down at my sides as I rolled my head left and right, stretching my neck. I placed a hand on the counter for balance as I kicked my left leg back until my hand caught my foot. I needed to stretch out my sore limb or this soreness only linger longer. Once I was done I spoke again, “I’m going to go and try to write.”

“Okay, Have fun.”, Lilith called out to me as I walked into my room.

I sat on my bed, grabbed my laptop and started to work on one of my stories. I needed the distraction from my own reality and I needed an excuse to no longer think about the choice I’d have to make. I spent the whole day writing and taking a break from writing.

Lilith spends the breaks with me, cuddling on the couch while watching Netflix. She also made sure that I ate, even when I got stubborn about finishing one more paragraph. Lilith left to go to work, leaving me with a kiss and enough money for take out, or pizza.

A little while after she left I got a call on my phone, I didn’t recognize the number and hesitated on answering it. I usually never answer unknown numbers, but something was nagging at the back of my head. Telling me that this number could be Lilith’s brother. So I answered with a deep breath and a perky, “Hello.”

I was met with silence. I pulled my eyebrows together as I patiently waited for whoever to say something. Maybe they didn’t hear me properly. I raised my voice slightly and repeated the usual greeting. Still, I was met with silence, it started to unnerve me. So I ended the call and stared at my phone for a few seconds, debating on if I should call the number back.

I shook my head, as I stuffed my phone in my pocket. I crossed the apartment, going back to my room to continue writing. By the end of the day, I managed to finish a chapter and a half. I stretched my body out yet again and let out a few whines form the soreness. I grabbed a change of clothes and make my way to the bathroom with my phone in hand.

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