Chapter 40: Denial, Distraction, and Foggy

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Corciel's Pov:

My hearts shouldn't flutter from the sound of the angel's giggling. I shouldn't want to kiss his stupid beautiful face. I took another long inhale from the blunt to keep my lips busy.

I stepped closer to the angel blowing smoke in his face again. I growled in his ear, "You're wearing my patience very thin."

He surprised me by trailing his hands down my chest and abs, the lightening buzzing just under my skin. I froze, not as used to this as I am to the fire I feel with Alexis.

"How am I supposed to answer you when I keep thinking about taking you in my mouth again?", He asked in a hushed tone dripping with arousal, his eyelids lowered from the blunt.

I flared my nostrils in annoyance, which only made me painfully aware of the smell in the room. The smoke, mixed with Alexis' and the angel's natural scent, and the smell of their arousal.

I groaned as part of my nature that is already ready for sex, growled in hunger. I closed my eyes tightly as I wrapped my hands around the angel's wrist.

I squeezed his wrists until I heard a pained noise leave his lips, I spoke between clenched teeth, "Answer the question now."

"It's as I said before, I won't live without Alexis and she wants both of us. I also find it exhausting to fight against the bond that we share It will make things easier for Alexis if I am more open-minded about you," He explained as if it were as simple as that.

I narrowed my eyes at him in suspicion, "You're doing all this for her, not because it is what you actually want to do."

Before I could continue he interrupted me, "I want to make Alexis happy, she's my charge and my soulmate."

I searched his eyes and found no other want than what he just stated. I released his wrists as I fought down the ball of pity forming in my chest for him.

I took another deep inhale from the blunt then passed it back to the angel, he took it while looking at me with concern which I ignored. I sat back down beside Alexis, gripping her neck as I pulled her in a kiss.

I blew the smoke in her mouth, she managed to blow it back once. On the second pass, she pulled away coughing slightly.

I grabbed her waist, pulling her on my lap facing me. My hands wandered down to her sore ass, kneading the flesh I found causing her to squirm on my lap.

I took in every detail of Alexis' face as she watched the video from last night. The angel is willing to do anything to make her happy, while I don't want to sacrifice my own happiness for hers.

I am a demon, demons look out for themselves first, it just how things have always been. The angel sat beside me, allowing the smoke to flow out of his mouth and caress his face.

Alexis earlier words echoed in my head, "Last night was perfect right?". I clenched my jaw tightly as I felt deep down that she was right.

Last night felt natural and right in a way that shook me to the core. I leaned my head back, closing my eyes as I wondered, would the rest of my nights be threesomes with the angel and my Doll?

Tying them up agonizingly tight, showing off their pretty little holes for me to use however I want, while they beg for more. It's not just sex between me and Alexis, but it can be between me and the angel.

It wouldn't be every night, maybe only when Alexis has been particularly good. I felt Alexis grinding on me, the feel of the fire and her warm, wet pussy sliding along my shaft made me sigh with content.

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