Chapter 22: The Morning After (Part2)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

I closed my eyes, focusing on my breathing. I needed to calm myself down, it felt like my heart was beating way too fast. My breath was leaving me too quickly, I was starting to feel lightheaded. I pulled my hands from theirs to cup the sides of my head. After a few more slow breaths, I felt relatively normal again.

I opened my eyes slowly, glad that I didn't see random colors in the air because of my lightheadedness. I looked pass Conner, taking in the sight of the large breakfast choices. It reminded me of something out of a romantic movie.

"I need to eat right now, or I might pass out", I announced as I walked pass Conner heading for the tray of food.

I grabbed a plate and filled it with a few pancakes, some cheese drizzled eggs, sausages, a bowl of honeydew and cantaloupe. I reached for the bacon but stopped because it wasn't cooked as crispy as I like.

I moved into the eating area, putting the plate down on the table in front of one of the chairs. I walked back towards the tray, pouring myself a cup of orange juice while I grabbed the bottle of syrup.

I placed the cup and the syrup on the table and was about to sit down. That is until I heard Conner yell angrily, "She's Mine!"

I jumped from the sound, placing a hand over my heart as I turned towards them. I bit my lower lip before I called out, "Am I eating by myself? Or are you two going to join me?"

"I am joining you. He isn't setting a foot in here", Conner's voice was still dripping with anger as he spoke. His eyebrows were pulled together in a scowl.

"I think it would be prudent if we all sat down and talked", Baltazar spoke in a stern tone as he took a few steps forward, almost making it to the entrance.

Conner's upper lip curled as he clenched his jaw. He took a breath before he spoke in a calm tone, that felt scarier than his yelling, "I won't hesitate to rip off your wings."

Baltazar stopped mid-stride, crossing his arms and his wings fluttered behind him. As Conner walked over to me, I blessed my food before covering everything aside from the fruit in syrup. I went to sit down, only for a hiss of pain to leave my lips.

The pain from my sore ass pressing against the seat. I immediately stood and ignore the smirk on Conner's face. I suppose I'd have to eat standing this morning. After taking a few bites and moaning in bliss I noticed that Conner was making a plate for himself. As I chewed I wondered why Conner wasn't more freaked out about Baltazar.

I mean, I would be freaked out if an actual Angel just showed up at my house. I turned my head, looking behind me at Baltazar. He was pacing back and forth, right in front of the entrance to the house from the balcony.

Baltazar turned his head, his blue-grey eyes meeting mine yet again. I bit my lower lip at the sudden urge to be near him raise in me. He just looked a lonely over there.

Almost like a puppy that just wanted to play with his owner. I closed my eyes tightly, shaking my head a little. I have got to stop comparing him to a puppy.

The slight scraping sound of a chair being pulled out brought my attention back to Conner. I opened my eyes, taking in the scowl that was still on his handsome face.

"He's an angel", I decided to point out as I looked at Conner carefully. Maybe he's in shock or something?

"Yeah, no shit", Conner spat out before he stabbed his eggs a few time with his fork, before filling his mouth with the food.

I leaned forward as I narrowed my eyes slightly. I didn't like the way he said that at all. I picked up my fork, using it to cut up some pancakes before stabbing the mini stack.

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