Chapter 18: His Favorite Sin ( Part 2)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Corciel's Pov:

"How observant of you Doll," I spoke in a deadpan tone as I headed to my playroom.

I listened to the sound of her following after me — such an excellent little Doll. I left the door to the playroom open behind me. The sound of her gasp as she entered the room made me smile. I took in the familiar surroundings of the room. The cameras in the corners of the room that aren't very noticeable.

The full-length mirror on the wall between the door leading to the bathroom and the entrance to the closet, the closet that holds more significant tools.

The cool blue colors of the wall were also on the sheets on the bed and its black bed framing. The black dresser on the far wall houses several restraining equipment, insertion tools, clamps, and vibration toys. Above the dresser is an array of hooks that holds a variety of impact play tools.

I stood in front of the door to the closet, watching as Alexis walked over to the array of impact play tools. She reached out to touch the cat o nine tails whip but stopped short when I cleared my throat. She turned to face me, giving me an innocent smile as she hid her hands behind her back.
She walked over to me, keeping that smile in place.

Once she stood in front of me, she spoke, "Sorry Conner."

"You will address me as my King in this room. You are going to enter the shower first. Do not wash until I enter the shower as well. Am I understood?" I told her as I lifted a hand, playing with the slightly curly ends of her hair.

"Yes, my King," She answered me with a slight curtsy that made my lips curl in a smirk.

I opened the door to the bathroom and watched as she entered. I closed the door behind her and took a deep breath. I quickly went about grabbing all the tools I wanted to use on her tonight. I disinfected everything before laid it all out on top of the dresser, and covered it all with a black cloth. I went on to the closet, pulling out the adjustable pillory and placing it on the floor in front of the mirror.

I secured the pillory to the floor by exposing the hidden hooks and locking the bottom of it in place with two locks. I opened the pillory and disinfected the hole that would soon be holding Alexis' pretty neck in place. Once that was done, I heard the sound of the shower running. I walked over to the mini-fridge that stood plugged in next to the closest. I opened it to make sure it was full of water as well as ginger root.

After that, I made my way to my bedroom to grab a simple pair of grey sweatpants. Then I finally walked to the bathroom door that inside the playroom. I started to remove my clothes and place them on top of the bin. Once I was naked, I looked over at the glass door that separated me and my soulmate. I could see the blurred image of Alexis thanks to the fog, the sadist in me regrets allowing the room access to hot water.

I rolled my shoulders back as I thought, this is just the first night of many with her. I took a deep breath to calm myself as I am reminded that this would be the first time I am going to see my mate naked. Since I brought her back to life all those years ago. I allowed the smoke from my inner fire to surround me and teleport me inside the shower stall.

My eyes greedily took in the sight of her. If her face was the color of flower petals, her body is the color of honey. She looks warm and tempting me to taste her like a starving man's favorite dish. Her shapely legs, leading up to her round ass that looked so good dripping with the water. How pretty her ass will look red from the spanking I'll give her. I forced my eyes to move up further. So I won't be tempted to give her ass a hard swat now, just to see her flesh jiggle.

I instead took in the expanse of her back as well as the peaking of her ribs just under her skin. I wanted to decorate her skin with bruises and bite marks so badly right now. I licked my lips as I eyes fell on the back of her arms, that flashed me a peek at her breast. Her dark hair was wrapped up safely in a shower cap, no horns insight. I was glad that Lilith's spell wore off. If it didn't, I might not have been able to hold back from showing her the pleasures that come with having a tail and wings.

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