Chapter 1: The Snap Part 1

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy! 

Alexis’ Pov:

It was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The straw is my mother and the camel is me, the back was my patience. I was sitting at the dining table that was rarely ever used.

That’s because the usual is eating in different rooms in the house. I recently got into the habit of using the dining table as my little desk.

I was getting into the habit of forcing myself to work on my story every day. My fingers were hovering over the keyboard.

Whatever stream of words that were just spilling from my fingertips had temporarily stopped. That’s when I heard the heavy footsteps of my mother coming down the steps. It made me feel nervous just like always.

“Alexis!”, Her voice was loud, harsh and, gravelly, it caused my stomach to drop and my inner child to whimper in fear.

“Yes”, It was automatic at this point.

Ingrained in me to only respond with a yes that sounded, alert with a bit of respect in my tone. Anything else would get me harsh words.

I peeked at my mother for a few seconds, taking in her natural scowl on her beautiful dark-skinned face.

That scowl only made my stomach feel more uneasy as she walked over to me, she sat on the chair across from me. I watched as she took a few breaths.

She was out of shape and never stuck to a diet or workout for too long. I never judged her for dropping diets and workouts. They are tiring.

However, when she complains about being in pain all the time and saying she’ll start a diet tomorrow while forcing me to go to the store to get her junk food.

Those are the moments I get annoyed and wish she would stick to something. I scowled as I was thinking over all this, and moved my eyes back to my laptop. So that, my mother wouldn’t think I was making a face at her.

She extended her hand on the table as she demanded, “Give me your phone.”

My scowled deepened as I thought about telling her, No. I mean I am an adult, I can say no to her. In reality, I won’t say no, only because I can see this ending badly. The few times I said no to her, I got hurt either emotionally or minorly in a physical sense.

I moved my hand to the right where my phone lied. I picked it up slowly and unlocked it. I wondered what she wanted my phone for? She had her own phone as well as us having an actual lane line.

I looked up at her curiosity as I asked, “Why do you need my phone?”

“Give me the phone, Alexis”, She demanded in a louder volume this time as she leaned forward in her chair. This time, giving me her deep scowl.

I sighed as my stomach tightened in fear of whatever harsh words would come out of her mouth.

I felt like I was in trouble already. I didn’t want this to get any worse. So, I slid my unlocked phone towards my Mother.

I felt the nervousness come back, ten fold. I started to bounce my leg in response, to get rid of this feeling. I tried to get back to writing, escaping into the world that I wanted to create.

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