Chapter 50: Peace, Dread, Repeat

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Corciel's Pov:

"Is this really necessary?", Corciel asked as he stared down at the sex toy on the bed beside the bottle of lube.

"Yes. Don't worry Doll will be wearing one as well." I reassured him as I lifted my hand to caress his cheek.

I sighed at the feeling of the lightning running through my veins, "Now hurry up and bend over. You don't want to have Doll waiting for us, do you?"

Without any other comment, he bends over for me placing his hands on the bed and spreading his legs. I couldn't resist reaching out and grasping his plump ass in my hands.

I gently spread his cheeks before rubbing his tight warm pink hole with my thumb. I moved my other hand, grabbing and opening the bottle of lube.

"Relax B-boy. I'll take care of you", I spoke with tenderness as I poured some lube on my thumb and slowly pushing inside his heat.

"Ok Oh", He moaned out as I slowly moved my thumb in and out of his tight ring of muscles.

His mewls of pleasure as I opened him up were beautifully intoxicating. I wanted to hear them, cause these sounds to leave him all the time.

Before I became too lost in his sounds I lubed up the vibrating butt plug then slowly inserted it. The way he gasped my name when it was fully inside made me growl with need.

Once that was done, I let go of him and headed for the door, "Let's go B-Boy."

I pocketed the remote for his toy and placed the remote to Alexis' dual vibrating toy that she'd soon wear for the entire weekend. It wasn't long before Baltazar joined me in the car, face beet red as he sat in the back seat.

As I drove to the coffee shop, I played with the remote, smiling at the way Baltazar squirmed and moaned just for me. Once I parked I looked out the window and saw Alexis rushing to the car.

I unlocked the door and smiled as she got into the car, buckling her seat belt. She smiled back at me, showing Baltazar that same smile before I started the car again.

"Marcus was at my job again", Alexis spoke the words calmly as she reached for the radio, flipping through the stations.

"What happened?", Baltazar asked as I tightened my hold on the steering wheel.

After some pop song started to play did she answer his question, "Nothing, he ordered a drink, sat at a table, stared at me then left when he finished."

Dread whispered in the back of my mind as all the horrible things that humans can do to each other started to play on repeat in my head. I pulled the car into a relatively empty parking lot before taking a spot.

I turned to face Alexis, as she leaned back in her seat with her eyes closed, She looked calm, enjoying the song that filled the car. I glanced at the radio to see what song it was, Easy by Camila Cabello.

At the sight of Alexis wiping a tear from her cheek with a smile, I made a mental note to listen to this song again later. I waited until the song faded as I got my thoughts in order.

Alexis glancing over at me with a shy smile before I spoke with concern in my tone, "Alexis, I'm worried about your safety. Something about Marcus doesn't feel right."

"I know but I'm safe, I have both of you to protect me", She interrupted me as she looked between Baltazar and me with a look in her eyes that I never wanted to go away.

"We aren't always there", I told her the reality as it has been for the past week.

Alexis rolled her eyes before she reached out, placing her hand on mine, "And I don't expect you to be, that's not how healthy relationships work. If I am in trouble, I will call you. I promise."

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