Chapter 35: Witness His Favorite Sin (Part 3/4)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Corciel's Pov:

"Make her scream louder, make her cry, make her bleed, tear her apart!", The darker parts of me seemed to growl in my head.

My hands moved on pure instinct, yanking the blindfold off her face. At the same time, I poured some of the hot liquid blood-red wax at the base of her neck. Her scream is high pitched, nearly piercing, as her mouth hung open. Her brown eyes wide with shock quickly filled and spilled tears.

I leaned down to lick the tears away from her warm brown skin. She trembled underneath me as I leaned back to stare down at her. She turned her head away from me, closing her eyes tightly. Her panting breaths slowly slightly from their hysterics.

I poured more of the red wax just under her collarbone, allowing the hell flame to lick at her skin. She struggled as another scream left her lips for the first few seconds.

She took a breath enough to collect herself and beg, "Fuck, wait. I need a second. Please!"

I slapped her in the face in time with each word I spoke, "Try again, Doll."

She let out a sob as more tears left her eyes. Shakingly she turned her head to face me and opens her eyes.

They locked onto mine as her lower lip trembled, "My King, I humbly beg you to allow me a few seconds to catch my breath."

As she spoke her hips grinds against my pelvic bone, shifting my dick a little inside her pussy. A growl leaves me at the action as if she's silently begging me to fuck her until she sees stars.

My eyes shift from her to the Angel beside me, holding the camera steady with both hands, pressing his pretty pink lips together. The erection in his suit pants bulging obscenely.

As if it's begging for my attention as well, oh the thought of having him tied down and crying for me is a delicious one. He could satisfy me just as well as Alexis can, the darker side of me reminds me.

My lip curls as I make a decision, handing back the blood-red candle to the Angel to place on the nightstand. This doesn't mean that I accept him, it means I can be nice to Alexis, even in this state.

I clenched my jaw before I get the words out, "Angel, you've been promoted to dick cleaner. If you don't like it, you can go invisible. Your choice."

The Angel's face became a pretty shade of red after he processed my words. He swallowed, looking between Alexis and myself before he wordlessly lowered his head to dick level and opened his mouth.

I took the camera from his one hand and made it float, I didn't want to miss a second of this. I pulled out of Alexis' pussy in a quick thrust that made her gasp.

I threaded my fingers into the Angel's dark hair and growled as I watched his hands start to reach for me. I pulled hard at the handfuls of his hair making his groans fill the air.

"Hands behind your back Angel, and keep your mouth open", I ordered as I felt the same shivers go down my spine from when I hear Alexis' groans.

The Angel opened his mouth wider and stuck out his tongue. I pushed my pussy wet dick against his warm pink tongue, it felt nice.

I pushed deeper, filling his mouth and throat, ignoring the way he gagged on me. The lightning floated my veins, from the skin of his nose and lips touching my own.

I rested my dick in him, watching as he gagged on me. His silvery-blue eyes brimming with tears already as he stared up at me.

I moved my hips fucking his throat, just to see those tears fall down his pink-tinted face. I needed to see it, and his throat felt so perfect.

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