Chapter 31: Bite and Backbone

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A/N: I hope you all will enjoy it!

Alexis' Pov:

"Oh god!" I moaned out lowly as I felt the lubed toy push inside my virgin ass, stretching out my hole to accommodate for its length and girth.

I rested my head against the cold wooden desk as the toy just kept going deeper inside me. I tried to focus on my breathing, keeping my body relaxed. I felt so hot from the arousal, from the fire I feel from his skin against mine.

I closed my eyes as I felt the toy rubbing against Corciel's cock, that's inside my pussy. Uselessly I tried to move my hips back. His large hand stayed firm on the small of my back. I huffed in annoyance, turning my head to the other side.

A gasp left me from the sight I found on the laptop. It was the recording of us from that first night.

The video paused, and all I could see is of my body tied up, and my head locked in the pillory, it made me squirm. And Corciel grabbing a paddle from his wall of toys. I swallowed hard as my arousal thicken further.

"Fuck me," I moaned out as I felt him push the last few inches of the toy inside me.

Corciel grabbed my wrists, pulling me back in a way that made me arch off the desk. He crossed my wrists together behind my back, grabbing both in one of his large hands.

His other hand wrapped around my throat, pulling my head back further. I whimpered from the way my back arched and the shift in position. I pushed my body up on the balls of my feet to accommodate for the height difference.

Turning my head so that I could feel his neck against my lips, I let out a breathless plea, "My king, I need you, please."

I placed a kiss on his skin, the fire I felt from his touch, only got hotter. I pushed my hips back, and let out a moan from the feel of his cock reaching just a bit deeper. If he wouldn't fuck me, why couldn't I use him to fuck myself? He growled, that inhuman growl before he turned my head.

His lips latched on to the other side of my neck. He sucked and bit at the skin, making another loud moan leave me.

I kept moving my hips as much as I could be given the space and my mobility. I was so close already, just a little more. I started to move my hips faster, desperate for my release now.

Then the door opened, and Lilith walked in, her words pausing as she took in the scene before her. My eyes widened at the sight of my best friend, and heat rushed up to fill my face with my embarrassment. She smiled at us as she closed the door behind her.

She spoke with a pout and almost genuine sounding disappointment, "If I didn't have to drop off Lex, I would totally ask to join."

Everything felt so much hotter as Corciel let go of my neck and growled with smoke coming out of his mouth, "Watch it, Lilith!"

Lilith blinked before she gave a sly smirk, "Someone can't take a joke. Right lex?"

I pulled at his large hand, wanting to free my hands to cover my face from the embarrassment and increased arousal. I whined when Corciel didn't let me; he bit down harder in my neck.

I cried out at the mix of pain, pleasure, and embarrassment. Once my cry came to an end, Corciel moved so fast I jumped in fright.

One moment, I'm standing behind his desk, with him inside me, my arms pinned behind me. The next second, I'm standing next to my best friend with my arms at my side, my panties, and jeans up, and painfully empty. Aside from the new toy in my ass.

Corciel was now sitting at his desk, looking at the camera that floated in front of him as he called out, "I'll see you later, Ladies."

Before I could say a word, that word being a demand for him to fuck me, Lilith took my hand. She leads me out of his office, with rushed footsteps.

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