Chapter 4: Adulting is hard

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Alexis's Pov:

The last few days living without my mom felt great. I didn’t have to worry about catering to anyone. Or Anyone making me feel like the scum of the earth for just existing. I chilled with Lilith when she was home, and did my usual route of watching youtube and writing stories. 

I was starting to get use to living here. I even found a pretty diamond necklace in the side pocket of my bag. Ever since I put the necklace on, I’ve been having dreams about the beach nearly every night.

The weird thing is that my brain didn’t even bother making other people appear in the dream. It is always just me, the waves, and the sand. The next morning I woke up to the sight of a phone on the nightstand next to a note. I sat up and grabbed the note. 

I instantly recognized the handwriting, the note read:

 I didn’t get you this phone. My Brother did. Well he gave me the money to get it for you and pay the bill in advance for a year. I swear he can be so extra sometimes. I set up the phone for you and he doesn’t have your number so don’t worry. Please use it and save me a headache from my brother trying to figure out why you won’t use it.

I smiled a bit from the note and grabbed the phone. It looked like the newest Galaxy. I was in the middle of setting up a password when a phone call popped up that I recognized as my mother's. I fumbled with phone, trying to ignore the call in a panic. Yet, of course, I accidentally hit the answer call, option instead. 

The first words from my mother were loud and accusatory, “I just can't believe you can be so rude and disrespectful to your own mother.”

“What?”, I snapped at her, the haze of sleep still clinging to my mind. Telling me to speak up and defend myself. 

“Don't what me. For one second I thought you could really pay me back for all I've done for you. But you couldn't even do that right?”, My mom’s words were spoken with venom. 

"Pay you back" I repeated the words in disbelief as something clicked in my mind.

My next words came from between clenched teeth, "Oh my god this was about my break up with Marcus."

"You owe me an apology and you need to make up with him. I mean how stupid can you be. Throwing away a lifetime opportunity like that",My mother sounded confident and stern, as if she could never be wrong about this. 

I moved my phone from my ear for a moment. I needed to breath. I needed to make her understand my decision. Maybe then she'll agree with me and stop making me feel like nothing.

I placed my phone back on my ear as I spoke, "He cheated on me. He doesn't want me. And my relationship should have nothing to do with you."

"It certainly has everything to do with me, you owe me for raising you and putting food on the table for 21 years. Maybe I should've thrown you out at 18. And if Marcus didn't want you why has he been calling me for days trying to get in contact with you", She shot her venom-laced words, worried about herself rather than her own daughter.

 "He's been calling you for days.", I paused at that, none of my past boyfriends have ever bothered to look back. 

I shook my head lightly, as I spoke again in a stern voice, "You know what I don't care." 

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