Chapter 37: Morning Care

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Alexis' Pov:

A fire burned under my skin in a low hum that pulled me slowly from my sleep. I groaned as I shifted in the bed slightly, trying to go back to sleep.

"Either you need better stamina or I will have to hold back a bit more from now on, Doll" Corceil's voice spoke in a low rumble.

I didn't bother to reply to him as I tried to capture sleep, that is until I felt a pinching pain in my thigh, where he was tracing random patterns on my skin. I jolted in the bed, pulled my legs up to my chest as I whined in pain, "Ow, why?"

"You know I don't like to be ignored, Doll", He answered me with a scowl that I felt on the back of my head.

I opened my eyes, taking in the sight of the playroom that we were still in. Did I really pass out once he pulled out of my now beyond sore ass?

I rolled over so that I am facing him, giving him a sleepy, half-lidded stare as I spoke, "I'm sorry, My king."

His scowl deepened slightly as he placed a blunt to his lips, "Don't apologize, just don't do it, Doll."

I watched as a flame appeared above his finger and lit the end of the blunt. I curled my body to the side, facing him fully as I said, "All I can do is try, people tend to make mistakes, My king."

He took a quick drag then laughed the smoke coming out in puffs before he smiled at me ruefully, "How do you manage to sound like a fortune cookie as soon as you wake up?"

I wiggled over to the edge of the bed on my side, as I grunted out an answer, "You don't know everything about me, My King."

I rolled off the edge, landing on my feet and stood to my full height slowly. My legs didn't ache as much as I thought, but I knew for sure that sitting would be a challenge now.

Corciel rolled his eyes as he took another long drag and slowly exhaled it, "I don't need to know every little detail about you, Doll. You know enough of me as I know you. What else is there?"

I rolled my eyes at him as I walked past the growing smoke cloud towards the bathroom. I noticed the 16 other blunts beside him in a tray with two bags on it and I commented, "I didn't know you smoked weed. My king, casual flirty conversation, helping me once and having sex, is not knowing each other by a long shot."

Corciel sucked his teeth before he spoke in a sharp matter of fact tone, "It is for demons. We don't need anything else."

I called the words over my shoulder before walking into the bathroom, "Well, I'm human. I need more than that, My king."

Once the door closed, I wondered if I was being selfish again. This is a trial run so if he doesn't want to tell me every detail about himself that's fine.

I blew out a yawn that forced its way up my throat and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I started to get ready for the day, which went well until I got in the shower.

Ice cold water greeted me yet again and I hissed at the contact while washing my body as quickly as humanly possible. It was only after the shower that I realized I had nothing to change into which made me narrow my eyes in suspicion.

I was left with no choice but to wrap the towel around myself after I finished drying and lotioning my skin. I walked out of the bathroom to see the playroom empty and clean, with no traces of what went on last night, or even my wild sleeping.

I pushed down the anxious voice that insisted that Corciel left me behind again. He probably just went to get breakfast, either way, following the trail of smoke, would lead me to answers.

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