Chapter 48: An Angel's Sin ( Part 2/2)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Alexis' Pov:

His silvery-blue eyes stared into mine, his face flushed and lips pouty as he asked, "Did I do something wrong?"

I leaned forward capturing his lips in a kiss that he gladly returned. Our tongues met and explored each other's mouths at the same time two of his fingers slipped inside me.

I moaned again louder than before as his fingers rubbed against my g-spot. His fingers started to go faster and faster, bringing that forgotten orgasm back to the forefront.

My legs started to shake, one hand gripping his hair as the other gripped his forearm tightly. I broke the kiss as I begged, "Don't stop!"

"I won't, not until you've cum for me, my love. You do want to cum for me right Alexis?" He asked in between kisses that he trailed on my jaw.

"Yes, please", I begged as I started to roll my hips matching his thrusts, feeling close once again.

"Do you want me to make love to you, Alexis? Do you want to soak my dick with your delicious pussy juices? Want me to fill you up with my cum?" He asked in a quick whisper right next to my ear as his fingers went faster than humanly possible.

I threw my head back and screamed as I squirted all over his hand and the bed, "Yes Baltazar!"

The pleasure was overwhelming I couldn't speak as I fell back on the bed twitching and gasping as my juices shot out of me like a fountain. Baltazar's fingers rubbing on my swollen clit to extend my orgasm as I trembled.

I was trying to get my breath back and control my breathing when I heard the sound of clothes being removed. I opened my eyes swallowing thickly at the sight of Baltazar naked, holding his erection between my legs.

He is just as long and thick as Corciel, the only difference being the color. His fat tip matched the color of pink of his lips, his shaft is pale like his skin decorated in prettily with veins.

I whimpered as he moved lower, bracing his hand down on the mattress next to my head. He rubbed his erection between my soaked pussy lips, the sunlight I feel from his touch seemed to grow hotter than ever.

"Baltazar, stop. This is a sin. I don't want you to get kicked out of heaven because of me."I told him my fear even as I shivered in delight every time his dick head rubbed against my clit.

"Alexis I love you, You and Corciel are my heaven", He told me brushing his lips against mine before capturing mine in a kiss as he sunk his entire dick inside me in one slow thrust.

My heart fluttered from his words and how meaningful they are. I wanted to say something back just as meaningful yet my mind came up blank.

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders, hoping that he'd feel how much he means to me too. He moans sweetly while he gave me slow deep thrusts, making sure I could feel every inch of him. He kissed my ear before trailing down kisses on my neck again.

"What's gotten into you?" I whispered as I felt his thrusts becoming harder as his kisses went lower on my chest.

"Nothing that wasn't already there, I just needed to meet you and Corciel to help me see that" He answered me before he sucked on my nipple then twisting the hard nub between his teeth.

"Baltazar" I gasped out his name as he tugged at my nipple with his teeth.

He released my nipples and moved my legs up and pinning my knees to the bed. He shifted his legs, bending them on either side of me before he shifts a bit higher above me.

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