Chapter 46: Honeylips and Sugarplum

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Lilith's Pov:

"Do you have to go?", Noah asked between kisses she leaves going higher and higher up my naked back.

I sighed enjoying the tingles that came with her skin on mine. I wanted to tell her no, and stay in the bed with her.

But this wasn't about what I wanted. It was about what I need to do, so I said, "Yes"

"So, there's nothing I can do to keep you all to myself?", She spoke the words with a low growl as her hands trailed up my stomach reaching for my breasts.

I couldn't help but tease her as I arched my back a little and spoke in a sultry tone, "Well doesn't that sound possessive."

Noah's fingers circled my nipples before pinching them as she breathed out against my neck, "And you like it, so stay"

Again I was tempted to stay so I closed my eyes, imagining what could happen if I wasn't there when Alexis needed me the most. I lifted my hands up to remove her hands from my body slowly, almost unwillingly.

I spoke honestly as I turned to face her beautiful face, "It's life or death, I need to go."

Noah's green eyes filled with concern as she asked, "What is it, life or death?"

I lifted my hands up to cup her face, caressing her freckled cheeks as I spoke in a soothing tone, "It's nothing for you to worry about your gorgeous self with."

Noah leaned forward brushing her lips against mine before she pleaded, "Please don't shut me out."

I leaned back but paused as she cupped my cheek in her hand, continuing in her plea, "I know we literally met on Friday but I want to be in the know. if there's a chance I'll lose you before I even get the chance to really know you."

My hearts warmed from her plea, how could I ever refuse her of anything? Is this how Corciel feels with Alexis? Is this common among demons and their mates?

I spoke honestly again without a second thought, "It's more about my best friend than it is about me. I can't stay here when I know that she's in danger, even if protecting her got a little harder."

Noah's eyebrows pulled together as she took in the new information, the bridge of her nose wrinkled in a cute way before she asked more questions, "Why? Did she not react well when she found out what you are? What is after her anyway?"

Wow, the mention that we only met three days ago crashed into me heavily. Three days and I already feel like I've had years with her.

I pulled my hands back from her face as I realized how terrifying that is, soulmates are to be feared for this reason alone. Three little days and I never wanted to leave her side, I would do anything to keep her smile on her face.

I swallowed thickly before I answered her and showed her the mark on my wrist, "I don't know the reason behind it for sure, but an angel is after her. I can't hurt angels because of this."

Noah delicately traces the mark on my wrist, her eyes focused in a way that I haven't seen yet. After a few seconds, her eyes lit with determination, met mine as she offered, "Well, why don't we protect her? Better odds for her."

"I can't ask you to do that", I told her, as I pulled my wrist from under her fingers. Would she see me as weak for taking her help?

Noah captured my lips in a kiss that made my hunger for her flare up dangerously. I kissed her back like it is second nature to me, wrapping an arm around her waist as my tongue teased her lips.

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