Chapter 2: The Snap part 2

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A/N: I hope you all will enjoy this early chapter.

Alexis' Pov:

Standing in front of a literal vampire whose lips are stained with human blood. I wouldn't think I'd have the self-control to respond in the way that I do. I thought fear would grip me so tight I would be rendered speechless. Or the fear would urge me to run for my life while not looking back.

Yet, in reality, I arched an eyebrow in a sassy way as I asked in a confident almost mocking tone, "I thought vampires have excellent hearing?"

"Look if you're a fangirl, all you need to know is that no one will believe you so get out of my face before I take you up on your offer", She scowled at me as she took a few steps back as if she was trying to get away from me.

If a part of me wasn't aware that this woman could definitely follow through with her threat, I would have laughed. How could you not laugh at the mental image of a vampire that just killed a human deciding that you, a different human was something to run away from.

I followed after her as determination filled me, I found my voice coming out full with conviction, "Look I just want to die in a way that is unique. What's more unique than dying by a creature that is supposed to be fictional?"

"You need therapy", She spoke in a matter of fact tone that also somehow sounded completely deadpan. Her eyes danced around taking in the passing people, she lifted her sleeve up and wiped away the drying blood from her lips.

I laughed at her delivery of those words, along with the fact she wasn't the first person to tell me that. I opened my eyes as my laughter died down, taking in the sight of her face.

I wondered how could her lips still look so kissable, without the blood on them. I mentally sighed as I thought, there is something wrong with me. I shook my head lightly so that I didn't get stuck in the train of dark thoughts.

I thought about the next best thing and just said it, "How about changing me then?"

"So, it's going to look like I'm leaving but that's just because I am. You should get out of here", She placed her hands in her hoodie pockets then she was gone. It was as if she was never there in the first place.

"Wait", I called out in a mix between annoyance and desperation, I scowled as I realized that she was just gone.

I reached down, grabbing a hold of my bags before I continued on my way to my friend's house. The familiar walk to my friend's house took on a creepy edge in the dark. Without the light of day, I felt my paranoia spike up. I gripped my bags tighter as I looked around me, there were spots on the block too dark to make out. Barely anyone was walking the streets as I am. Cars speeding down the road boldly, as the drivers assumed the night could prevent them from being seen by the cops.

The footsteps of someone behind me, caused my hair to stand on end. I clenched my bags strap even tighter, ignoring the dull pain forming in my hand. I looked behind me slowly, I took in the sight of a grown man walking quickly in my direction. I only had seconds to decide my action before he got too close. I slowly started to move the strap of my bag off my shoulders, preparing myself to use it as a weapon. I would hit him in the gut, turn using the momentum of my bag and run the last few blocks to my friend's house.

Step after step, the man got closer and closer, I lowered my head, trying to control my breath. My heart beating loud in my chest as I prepared to fight for my life again. I waited for when he walked past me. I lifted my head a fraction, keeping my eye on him as he got further and further away. I slowly let out a breath as well as a small chuckle. I was just being paranoid, yet I speed up my pace, more determined to get to my friend's house sooner rather than later.

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