Chapter 51: Eyes Open

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Alexis' Pov:

"Baltazar", Corciel growled the words out as his eye flashed to his true colors.

Baltazar leaned down whispering, "We'll take care of you, Love. Rest well."

He kissed my forehead and I fell asleep in seconds. In the dream, I was in a forest looking for something, but I didn't know what.

I heard my name being called and followed the sound as fast as I could. Through the trees, I saw glimpses of things I didn't understand.

A large figure surrounded by smoke, in front of a woman holding a baby in her arms. A few seconds later with the trees rushing by, I saw a child climbing inside a wardrobe that held a large figure inside it with a giggle.

More rushing trees then I saw that same child a little older, she looked scared on a crowded boardwalk by the beach. Two grown men approached her trying to take her somewhere, a different large figure came to her rescue.

I looked ahead of me and saw a mirror in the distance, I ran faster knowing that whatever I needed was there. I turned back to the trees and saw Marcus harassing me in the alleyway, and Corciel coming to my rescue.

I kept running gaining speed, in between the trees I saw Marcus in the shop now, harassing me again. His arm healed from when Corciel broke his arm.

I could see Baltazar standing next to the person behind Marcus, whispering something in the person's ear. The person snapped rudely at Marcus, who quickly left.

I looked straight ahead, the mirror was getting really close now. I ran faster pushing myself harder, but it felt like I was only slowing down.

I looked at the trees whizzing by again and saw myself. In the kitchen I just finished doing the dishes and some masked person was creeping up behind me.

I couldn't look away as they wrapped an arm around my neck choking me. The slight panic on my face before a grin came on my face, I pressed my body against the attacker, thinking it was Corciel.

The attacker hesitated as I moaned out, "Harder."

I reached back, sliding a hand under his shirt and I didn't feel the fire or the light that I feel from my soulmates. So I started to attack him, what I didn't realize is the way my eyes glowed violet.

I looked ahead again only to smack against the mirror, I stumbled back rubbing my forehead. I looked up at the mirror to see me, but it wasn't me at all.

I stood up straight, staring at the mirror in shock. She had the same height, build, facial structure, but there were differences.

Her hair is a flowing blood-red, her eyes are violet, and she has freckles across her cheekbones and nose. Her skin is also a few shades lighter than my caramel brown skin.

She looked happy where I looked confused, yet we reached for the mirror at the same time. The mirror lit on fire, the fire was as colorful as a rainbow as the mirror melted away.

Once the mirror was gone, the woman became covered in the same rainbow fire, before seeping into my body through my hand. I stared at the now-empty quiet forest as an unease started to settle in me.

"Alexis!", The combined voices of Baltazar and Corciel called for me from far above me, floating with their wings out.

I kicked off the ground as multi-colored fire wings spread out behind me propelling me further up to my men. Darkness started to take over my vision and panic settled into me once again.

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