Chapter 13: Pent up ( Part 2)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

"Holy shit!", I spoke loudly as I took a step closer to the full-length mirror in Lilith's room.

"I know right?", She sounded proud as she came up behind me to push my now straightened hair with a slight curl at the ends forward, which just helped it frame my face.

In the mirror stood a version of me I never thought possible. The gold smokey eye shadow, made my eyes pop more. The foundation, highlight, and blush, really covered the little spots I hate on my face. The dark red lipstick on my lips made me feel sexy and confident.

A black halter crop top that exposed my back as well as showed a flash of my cleavage through a little heart design, was my top. The bottom of my outfit was a red denim skirt along with black mesh fishnet stocking and red kiddie heels with open toes.

I lifted my hands up to cover my exposed midsection as I asked her, "Is this showing too much though?"

"No, you look great. If you really feel uncomfortable, I can give you a different outfit?", Lilith said as she looked at me with kind eyes from the mirror.

I gave myself one more once over before I decided that I really liked the outfit. I shook my head lightly as I spoke, "No, I don't want to change. I can get used to it as long as I got you next to me the whole night."

Lilith gave me a wide grin as she snaked her arms around my exposed waist. I felt her lips pepper a few kisses on my shoulder before she spoke again, "I love my sexy wifey. Now time for the final touch."

I felt Lilith turn me so that I faced her instead of the mirror. She pulled me flush against her body, one of her hands lifted up to cup my face. I stared at Lilith curiosity until she started to lean forward, and I realized what she wanted.

I closed the small distance between us, kissing her lightly. This kiss felt different than the ones we usually shared. One noticeable difference is that our tongues are moving against each other. Another difference is the warmth coming off her and filling me to the brim.

The warmth didn't feel normal, it felt loving, yet frustrated and twinged with a bit of jealousy. The warmth became hotter in three places, the sides of my front sides of my head, between my shoulder blades, and my tailbone. I felt my body flush with heat that was almost unbearable, then the kiss ended. I leaned against Lilith, panting as I tried to catch my breath. The heat I felt dissipated within seconds.

I felt Lilith slowly let go of me as she spoke, "Look in the mirror."

I turned back towards the mirror and gasps in shock as I stared at myself. I have thick curly horns on the sides of my head that reminded me of rams. The color was sparkling gold that reminded me of what stardust looks like in movies. My tail that was now curling around my waist held the same gold as my horns, the tip of my tail is heart shaped and colored like a flame. The flame color matched my wings that looked big enough to cover my shoulders and hide my chest.

My wings fluttered behind me in excitement as I squealed, "Bitch, I look like an actual demon!"

"I know right? I'm the best", Lilith grinned at me as she showed off her black wings, tail, and horns that are straight up right above her forehead.

"Do I have any powers?", I asked her excited at the idea, my wings fluttering behind me.

"No. You might hurt someone or yourself, you crazy bitch", Lilith said with an eye roll as she patted my head.

I scowled at her and swatted her arm away. She let out a light laugh as she turned around and headed for the door, "Let's go party!"

On the way to the party, I kept playing with my tail in fascination as I left my wings wrapped around me. That way they didn't get crushed between m back and the car seat. Once we arrived at the large house, with tons of cars already parked near it, I asked Lilith a question.

I lifted my hands up to touch my curled horns, "Why are my horns curled while yours are straight?"

She looked over at me, with a blank expression, "You know the more you learn about demons, I have a feeling that it will become more likely that you'll seek them out. So, I'm not answering that question for your own good."

"What? Come on! Tell me, please. please. Please!", I begged her as I clasped my hands together in front of me.

She completely ignored me as she got out of the car. I groaned in annoyance as I got out of the car as well. I huffed as I walked up to the walkway that leads to the entrance of the house. Lilith came up beside me, linking our arms together.

She poked my cheek with her free hand, "Aw come on. Don't pout, Sexy Lexy."

I smacked her with my bat-like wing before I fluttered them while knocking on the door angrily.

I gave her the side eye, "Is it so hard to tell your best friend more about your species?"

"No it's not hard, just not a smart move on my part", She answered my question as she hit my arm with her wing.

The door opened and the music surrounded us before we took a single step in. The person who opened the door was none other than the reason I got the invite.

Marcus smiled at me way too widely, "Alexis, Lilith. I'm so glad you made it."

I noticed his right eye twitched for a second, he probably wasn't expecting that I'd bring Lilith with me. I could feel Lilith giving me a hard stare, I didn't turn to face her. I just walked into the already packed house. It reminded me of those party scenes in teen movies. I used the large crowd to disappear with Lilith, which wasn't that hard seeing as we weren't the only one dressed like demons.

We ended up in the kitchen and I let go of Lilith. I grabbed an unopened bottle of strawberry vodka from the counter. I turned around to look for the cups.

Lilith stood right behind me with a look that screamed, "You got some explaining to do".

I gave her a sheepish grin as I moved around her to get two plastic red cups for us to drink from. I placed the cups on the counter then started on trying to open the vodka. Lilith took the bottle from my hands and popped the lid off the bottle. She narrowed her eyes at me, her tail moving back and forth with impatience as she pours shot-like amounts of alcohol in each cup.

I grabbed one of the cups, bringing the cup up to my lips. I took a breath before I poured the contents of the cup in my mouth. The bitter, burning taste of the vodka on my tongue encouraged me to drink it fast. Once I swallowed it, the burn lingers on the back of my throat. I smacked my mouth, exhaling hard through the horrible after taste.

I glanced over at Lilith to see her staring at me expectedly. I gave her another sheepish grin before I looked at her in surprise. I squeezed my legs together tightly. The alcohol sent heat seemingly straight to my pussy. I bit my lower lip at the odd feeling of being aroused so fast.

"Alexis, start talking", Lilith ordered me before she took her own shot of vodka.

"He came back to the shop, he threatened to get me fired if I didn't agree to come to this party, have a drink and one dance with him", I explained myself as quickly as I could, as my face flushed a bit from the alcohol.

"Why agree to that? You can always get another job", Lilith rolled her eyes at me before she pours us each another shot.

"Yeah, I guess but I wouldn't get to see Conner every day", I mumbled out truthfully as my body got another wave of heat from the second shot I took.

The grin that spread on Lilith's face made me feel a little uneasy. She shoved my shoulder lightly before she teasingly spoke, "You like him. You really, really like him."

I swatted her hand away, then snatched the bottle out of her hand. I poured myself another shot while my wings fluttered behind me. I quickly stilled them when more people came passing through the kitchen. One of them dumped into me, I turned to face the girl dressed as a classic black cat. We both apologized as she went on her way. I took my third shot and hissed at the burn in my throat.

Lilith had her arm outstretched to me so I quickly poured her shot as well. I stared down at the clear bottle of colorless liquid as I mumbled again, "It doesn't even matter. Your brother has a claim on me, and I have the feeling he might snap and hurt Conner if he sees the way we are around each other. Conner doesn't deserve that, he's funny, kind, generous and helpful. He shouldn't be tangled up with me for his own safety."

I slowly poured myself another shot, before I could take it, Lilith grabbed my arm. I blinked and looked over at her annoyed. Which is a looked that deepened upon witnessing the grin on her face.

"What if I could promise you that my brother would never hurt Conner. What would you do then?", She looked almost giddy as she asked the question.

I pulled my eyebrows together as I thought about it. If Lilith's brother won't hurt Conner, I could have Conner to myself. If he even still wanted me, as a friend or otherwise. But that begs the question of what does this claim that Lilith's brother has over me, even mean? I bit my lower lip as I looked down at my cup.

"It really wouldn't make a difference if your brother's claim on me is like some kind of sex thing", I answered her question slowly as I started to move my hips to the beat of the new song that just started to play.

"Alexis", I heard Marcus call out, which made me whip my head around to find the source.

I spotted him and immediately started to leave the kitchen before he spotted me. I dragged Lilith with me into the living room. Once we were in the middle of the sea of people, we started to dance together. We moved with the beat as the bass of the song seemed to vibrate through everyone.

"What if my brother wasn't in the picture?",Lilith asked in a whisper as her lips brushed against my ear.

I let out a shaky breath from that simple action. It sent shivers down my spine. I pressed my legs together tightly while curling my tail around my waist. I felt so warm and turned on right now. I pulled my head back to stare at Lilith's beautiful face. I didn't want to talk about this anymore, I could feel myself getting sad.

"You're so fucking hot!", I told her before I leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "You want to go make out!"

I heard Lilith sigh before she tickled my exposed sides. Her order filled my ears seconds later, "Answer my question, lex."

I wiggled in her hold a little, feeling ticklish. I wasn't normally ticklish, so this feeling is almost alien to me. I grabbed her wrists, trying to push her hands away. Which only spurred her on to tickle me faster, I started to laugh. I wiggled harder as I tried to get away but nothing worked. So I just groaned from my stomach starting to hurt from all the laughter.

I spat out the truth quickly, not wanting this torture to go on, "I'd try to be with Conner because you were right, I like him more than I should. Now stop it, you bitch."

Lilith laughed as she let go of me. As soon as she let go of me, I stumbled backward. Falling against someone who decided to wrap their arms around me to prevent me from falling. I tilted my head back taking in the upside down version of Connor's face.

I felt my face heat up in embarrassment as well as horniness. I let my eyes lower in defeat as I cursed out in frustration and annoyance, "Oh, fuck me."

A/N: Thank you for reading! Please tell me what you think in the comments. I love reading them. The next chapter should be up 7-5-19.

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