Chapter 52: First Flame

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy! 

Alexis' Pov:

We weren't that far in the movie when Corciel returned with chinse food. Corciel cuddled me and feed me while we all sat on my bed watching the movie.

I tried to ask how he was feeling now, but before all the words could come out he'd fill my mouth with more food. I scowled at him as he kissed my forehead.

After I swallowed I planned on asking if he calmed down, or at least consider no longer blaming Baltazar. But that's the thing about plans they change in a matter of a second.

One moment passed and the room became more occupied as Baltazar and Lilith appeared. Lilith bleeding and glowing with golden color, in Baltazar's arms.

Nova rushed to Lilith's side as I tried to move from the bed as well. Corciel wrapped an arm around my waist holding me at his side.

I didn't break my focus from Lilith as Nova checked her over worriedly, the anger in my voice barely disguised, "Let me go now."

"You can't just" Corciel started to argue as his hand tighten a fraction on my side.

"There is something wrong with my best friend, you are not going to stop me from helping her!", I yelled the words as I turned to scowl at Corciel.

"Baltazar is healing her, she'll be fine", Corciel tried to reason with me, as he gripped my chin turning my head to see Lilith healed yet still glowing.

My dread didn't lessen in the slightest, my gut told me that the glowing wasn't good. Baltazar started to walk over to us but paused as fear took over his features from the way Corciel growled.

"Lilith?", Nova called out as Lilith's hand clawed at her own chest, the glowing became brighter by the second.

I needed to help so I willed myself to move and get to her side. A gust of violet smoke covered me, and when it was gone, I found that I'm next to Lilith.

I didn't have time to process that properly because the light engulfed Lilith just as I reached out to grab her, intent on helping her. A horrible sickly warmth went through me then I noticed that everything lost its color and fog covered everything.

I reached in front of me and found nothing there, I stood up calling out loudly, "Lilith!"

I ran through the apartment looking everywhere only to come up empty. I stopped in the bathroom taking in the sight of me from the last dream I had, in the mirror.

I moved my hand and the reflection followed, I looked in the reflection and took a deep breath. I imagined those wings from before, the fire wings and when I opened my eyes I felt them appear.

I let out a slow breath and opened the window, keeping my eyes up so that I didn't freak myself out to the point where I chicken out. I jumped through the window, trusting my wings and focused on finding Lilith.

The longer I looked the more dread settled in my chest like a rat making a hole in someone's home. I looked at all the familiar places first and found nothing.

What if I never see her again? What if she's gone for good?

This isn't right, she has been fighting for me this whole time and when I try to fight for her I can't even do anything. Where could she have gone so quickly?

I stopped on a random roof, pacing back and forth as my eyes started to water. Despair and uselessness wrapping around me like twin snakes.

"Lilith!" I screamed, throwing my head back as tears ran down my face.

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