Chapter 0: Prologue

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A/N:Happy Valentine's Day! I hope you all will enjoy!

Tamika’s Pov:

This is my last year in college. Everything was almost perfect. Aside from my failing grade in a class, I couldn't care less about. It was also a class that started at 8 am. Ain’t nobody got the energy for that in the last stretch of this hell.

It is the one class I couldn’t find a replacement for, after I realized what I signed up for. All the while dealing with the effects of a hangover. I wouldn’t allow this class to ruin my perfect record. I focused more in class, well more like tried.

The professor, Mr. Hughes, is just so hot. Yet, every word that came out of his mouth bored me to death. I daydreamed about fucking him, more than taking notes. I mean, this class had nothing to do with my major.

The class I dodged, for the last three years would not break me. So I decided that fucking him would be easier than failing. Testing every subtle seduction I could know of, yet he wouldn’t take the bait. It was clear as glass he is interested because he never told me to stop.

So I looked towards the internet for any other tricks, I could use that would get him to just give in to his desire for me. After hours upon hours of searching. I found this site. It claimed to be teaching you demonic witchcraft. The only catch was that my soul would go straight to hell if I used too many spells.

The spells have three ranks called tainted soul, blackened soul, and, irredeemable soul. I had nothing to lose really because I believe they will already be claim my soul for hell. I searched a few keywords in the search bar and found the spell I needed. The spell was the first tear, tainted soul. So, I considered it would be manageable.

It didn’t take me long, to get the ingredients for the spell. I brought a little more than necessary since I am the worst at cooking things. It took a while to get the mixture right. And, I took even longer to pronounce the spell properly. But I knew I did it right when I spoke the spell while dropping his picture in the mixture and it glowed.

It had to work. At least that’s what I thought of at 4 am with a beyond tired mind. Since, I’ve been trying to do this spell for days. The next day, I had no classes as it was a Saturday and got ready for a formal fucking later. Taking a nice long shower, shaving all the parts I wanted hairless was a must.

Putting on a simple pair of legging and a tight v neck shirt that showed off my body. In, an effort to show off my neck as well I pulled my hair into twin ponytails then I put on a shortcut winter coat.

Grabbing my keys, a phone, a wallet, a few condoms, and a fresh batch of store-bought cookies. transferring the cookies in a different container than what I brought them in.

I left my dorm and made my way to Mr. Hughes House that wasn’t all that far from campus. The only problem was how cold it still was after snowing two days ago. But the cold wouldn’t stop me because I was a girl on a mission. I listened to music to keep me from turning around and going back since I hated the cold.

Eventually, I made it to his place. I climbed his porch steps and went to his door. I rang his doorbell and rocked myself back and for as I waited. I was a black and cold don’t mix well with black people. Thankfully, I didn’t have to wait too long before the door was open for me.

“Miss. Burns, what are you doing here?” Mr. Hughes raised a bushy eyebrow as he questioned me, only holding the door open a fraction.

“I came to apologize properly for my recent behavior”, I spoke in an innocent tone while I shyly lifted the bin of cookies. I bit my lower lip and slowly released it before I spoke again, “I brought cookies.”

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