Chapter 25: Girl talk, Tea and A kiss

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy! 

Alexis's Pov:

I fucked a demon. A demon that has a claim on my soul. He claimed my virginity as well. He, the demon, said that he's my soulmate. I fucked him. And I want to fuck him again. God, that form he took in the garage was so hot! But it's all so much! An actual, literal angel is my soulmate along with a demon. And not just any demon, the brother to my best friend!

"Are you going to stay in the car all day?", Lilith asked me in a slightly teasing tone, her lips brushing against my ear along with her warm breath.

"Lilith, what the fuck am I supposed to do? What even is a soulmate? If it's what I think it is, Baltazar and your brother don't deserve to be tied to me forever!", I spoke in between deep shaking breaths as my hands started to shake.

This was too much! I felt overwhelmed and severely underqualified to have a soulmate. Let alone having an Angel and a demon, I am so undeserving of that!

Hands slapping against my cheeks and lifting my head up made me groan in pain. From the slap itself as well as the unexpected neck movement. Conner left a few hickies on me last night.

"Let me get you inside and make you some tea. Then I will answer every question you have, I promise", Lilith spoke in a stern voice, her eyes filled with patience and sincerity.

She leaned back and offered me her hand. I took it after I unbuckled my seatbelt and started to climb out of the car. Lilith closed the door and locked the car. She leads me into our apartment building and up the stairs to our floor. I leaned against Lilith as I tried to mentally list out all the questions I had for her. It was hard to even do that, I couldn't decide which question was most important.

It wasn't long until we entered our apartment and she leads me into the kitchen. I sat at the counter and placed my hands flat on the countertop as I stared down at my hands. One question did stick out to me.

A question that could start an argument. I hate arguing, but if I didn't ask, I would doubt every answer she gives me on some level. I exhaled slowly as I let my eyes lift up to watch Lilith. She just placed the cup of water into the microwave and set it to two minutes.

I chewed on my lower lip for a few seconds, then took a slow even breath, "Lil, did your brother tell you to become friends with me?"

She spun around so fast it reminded me that she isn't human. It looked as if one second her back was to me, pulling out tea bags. And the next second she was facing me with a mix of confusion and offense on her face. Which changed as she took in my own expression of seriousness.

"No, He actually hated it when I told him that we were friends now. He thought it was too dangerous, that I'd scare you and chase you away.", She walked over to the counter, leaned against it, with a small smile playing on the edges of her lips as she spoke.

She moved her hand closer to me, cupping my cheek in a gentle way as she counted to speak, "I chose to be your friend Alexis and I have never regretted that decision. I love you, girl. No matter what."

I let out a shaky breath as I leaned in to her touch and closed my eyes, "I love you too. Why can't you be my soulmate?"

"Darling Lexi, you couldn't handle me", She said in a teasing tone as she stroked my cheek with her thumb.

I opened my eyes a little, trying my best to give her a seductive look. I arched my eyebrow just a little, then leaned forward. Letting my breath fan her lips as I spoke, "That sounds like a challenge, lil."

She leaned forward and pressed her lips against mine. It was a slow kiss, with little sighs and smirks in between. She felt soft, warm, and tasted like mint. I could see it so clearly in my head Lilith and I together as girlfriends.

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