Chapter 23: The Morning After (Part 3)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy.

Baltazar’s Pov:

Alexis went to change her clothes and I turned my focus back on Conner as she calls him. I clenched my jaw and spoke between clenched teeth, “Did you give her those bruises?”

He scoffed before he answered grabbing another handful of grapes, “Obviously, if it were anyone else I would have killed them.”

He started to throw grapes in his mouth. I narrowed my eyes at him before I let out a sigh. I barked out, “You think it’s fine to cause harm to your soulmate like that? Aren’t you supposed to protect her?”

His nostrils flared and he threw a grape at me. It moved too fast to properly dodge. It hit my forehead before uselessly falling on the floor. I stared at the grape before I looked up at the beautiful, annoying demon in disbelief.

Did he really just assaulted me with fruit? I watched as he threw another grape in his mouth. I wiped the stain of grape juice off my forehead.

Once he swallowed it, he spoke again with a growing smirk on his face, “Ever heard of something called consent? She gave me hers.”

I narrowed my eyes at him, as I accused, “You tricked her into giving consent.”

He rushed forward until he stood in front of me. His dark brown eyes now a blazing fiery red. I took a step back for caution sake. He gripped the frame of the glass door, as a growl rumbed in his chest.

He leaned closer to me, and I wanted to move closer to him. He is my soul mate as well. Yet the anger on his face was clear as glass. The vein on his forehead is visible, his eyebrows lowered, his eyes narrowed, his upper lip twitching.

His voice coming out in one of the most threading whispers I have ever had the misfortune of hearing, “I have never tricked anyone into giving me their consent. I’m not some lowly dealer demon. I am high ranking, you fucking weak excuse for an guardian angel!”

“I hope you don’t talk to Alexis like that, because you will lose her if you do”, I cautioned him on being more aware of his word choice as took a step forward.

He narrowed his eyes, widened for a moment. The whites of his eyes started to become consumed by an inky blackness.

His jaw clenched as he took a quick breath before he hissed at me, “What do you know? I’ve actually spend time with her. I’ve saved her from being assaulted. So here’s some advice, if you want to know why she consented, ask her.”

One sentence he said struck a chord with me. I felt an anger start to swell inside me. How could I have let Torrait do this to my soulmate? Leaving her without a guardian angel for most of her life, has probably brought her so much pain.

I looked away from him as I spoke with underlying seething anger, “I wasn’t always assigned to her because of a different angel.”

The demon gave me a flat look as he spoke one word, “Pathetic”

After that he walked back over to the breakfast cart all the while throwing more grapes in his mouth. My eyes followed him with a slowly fading rage. A part of me knew he was right, it was pathetic how easily I was taken from my soulmate.

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