Chapter 41: Happy and Foggy

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Alexis' pov:

I trembled as Corciel helped to drag out my orgasm, my nails dug a little further into his skin once I heard Zar's voice fills the air. I turned my head to see how much pizza it was but before Zar entered my vision, Corciel kissed me again.

I kissed him back as my hand snaked up onto his neck, gripping tightly as I tried to pull him away. I felt and heard his growl before I felt his teeth biting on my lower lip.

I whimpered while I loosened my hold on his neck, he sucked on my lower lip. I quickly turned my head as I whined, "Food, please. I'm fucking starving."

"You're not starving, you're just high, Doll", He explained as he flipped the position we were in so that I am on top now.

His hands moved from my hips to my sore ass, gripping the flesh he found tightly. I hissed in pain while I tried to wiggle out of his lap, which only got me chuckles from him.

"Plates are done", Zar announced and that is when Coriel let go of me.

I slowly lifted my hips, moaning as he slipped out of me. I walked over to Zar taking the plate he offered me with a smile as he said," Its garlic knot baked pizza."

I looked down at the slice, my excitement for food leaving me slightly. Zar must have noticed because he asked, "What's wrong?"

I plucked one of the garlic knots from the crust and popped it in my mouth. I didn't want to complain, my mother taught me to be grateful to whatever gift someone gives you.

I moaned at the taste, chewing thoroughly, to enjoy it longer and buying myself time to come up with something that won't hurt his feelings. I heard Corciel walk up beside me before he started plucking all the pepperoni off my slice.

"She doesn't like pepperoni on her pizza, her favorite toppings include sausage, beef, anchovies, black olives, and shrimp but not altogether on a pizza", He exposited the information with pride and smugness in his voice.

"Thanks, Elly, I'll remember that. What are your favorite toppings for pizza?", Zar answered with a smile, I glanced at Corciel.

He scowled as he spat out, "You don't really care, so why should I answer?"

Zar tilted his head, giving Corciel puppy dog eyes, "Isn't it natural to want to know about my soulmates?"

"Yes, very natural," I agreed with a sly smile, biting into my slice when Corciel gave me a hard stare.

I moaned at the taste and busied myself by eating more, nodding in conformation when Zar asked, "Do you like it?"

I swallowed then quickly asked, "Can I have more?"

Zar smiled as he quickly plucked the pepperonis off the pizza and handed me two more slices. Corciel pushed me on the couch before I could take another bite.

"Sit your fat ass down, Doll. It's probably not even that good, you're just too high to notice", He said jokingly with a smirk on his face.

I glared at Corciel and stuck my tongue out at him playfully before taking another bite. I watched as Corciel took a slice, bit it and moaned in delight.

Zar's eyes lit up with excitement as he said, "You like it too, right Elly?"

"Shut up and clean my dick," Corciel said with as he tried to hide the smile fighting to appear on his face.

To my surprise and what looked to be Corciel's, Zar actually knelt down and started to clean my juices from Corciel's semi-erect cock. I couldn't help but giggle as I said, "yummy food and a live show, we should do this more often."

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