Chapter 27: A Week Without

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Alexis' Pov:

"I'm sorry, my body never reacted like that before. I tried to stop it, really", Baltazar's voice was near my ear, coming out in a rush that made me think he's nervous.

I lifted my hand to pat his arm a few times, "It's ok Baltazar. Boners are natural.

"I didn't expect it to feel so intense in reality,'' he mumbled against the shell of my ear, reminding me of a child.

I pulled my eyebrows together in confusion over his sentence. Then I opened my eyes, with a question that died on my lips. I realized we were on the dream beach. I suppose sleeping with an Angel really puts a girl to sleep quickly.

I turned around on the sand until I was facing Baltazar. He looked at me with slight confusion on his face, his hand loosely placed on my hip. I gave him a small smile as I spoke, "I don't feel worthy to have a soulmate. Let alone two who is an Angel and a Demon. But I also know that it would be unfair to just ignore this fact"

Baltazar lifted his hand from my hip to cup my cheek. He strokes my cheekbone with his thumb, "Having a soulmate has nothing to do with worthiness, my love. It just a part of you that has always been here."

I grabbed his wrist, pulling his hand away from my face. I placed his hand between my own, flipping his hand over. I traced the lines on his palm as I tried to gather my thoughts.

How can he make me feel better with a few words? I guess because I don't censor myself with him, in these dreams. I bore my soul to him because I thought he wasn't real. Yet he is and that should change things.

I let out a breath before I started to speak, "I need more time to process this and decide what I want to do regarding you and Corciel. During this time, I want to be alone, so please just be invisible around me. Can you do that?"

He smiled at me as he spoke, "Yes. my love. Just say my name if you ever want me to appear."

I woke up after that to an empty bed. I reached out a hand to place it on the side of the bed where Baltazar was. Maybe he's still there, I just can't feel or see him. I grabbed my phone and saw that I still had some sleep time.

I took the extra hours to sleep, I would need it with work coming up soon. This dream didn't have Baltazar in it, it was just darkness. I woke up a minute before my alarm went off. I turned my alarm off and got out of bed to prepare for the workday.

As I got ready I wondered what I would say to Corciel. I had the feeling that getting him to give me space would be far harder than it was with Baltazar. I looked over my outfit for work, a button-up plain back polo shirt, black jeans, and sneakers. My still straighten hair was brushed out and pulled back with a headband.

I double-checked to make sure I had everything I needed in my pockets before I left my room. Lilith was waiting in the kitchen with a banana nut muffin in her hand and a cup of tea in her other. I smiled brightly at the sight and took the food from her while I gave her a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Morning, Lil", I greeted her before I took a bit of the top of the muffin.

"Morning wifey", She sat as she grabbed her keys from the counter then smacked my butt as she walked towards the door.

I groaned and followed her out the door. I followed her down the steps and out on the sidewalk. By then I managed to swallow the bite and wash the thick breading down with a few sips of tea. So I was able to speak to her again, "Did you eat already?"

She gave me a wicked smile as she answered my question while unlocking the car, "I had a little something while picking up your muffin."

She opened the car door for me. I thanked her as I took my seat, I took another sip of my tea. Once she was in the car, I placed the cup between my knees and put on my seatbelt. I turned to face her as I asked, "Was this little something a person?"

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