Chapter 20: His Favorite Sin (Part 4)

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Alexis' Pov:

My scalp tingles from the way my ponytails are tied back with the rope. My chest and arms feel tightly squeezed, molding into the shape that he wanted. The sharp pain in my nipples is constant reminders of the weighted clamps. My legs ache from being stretched out for so long.

My ass is giving off a throbbing heat from the spanking I was given. Both inside and outside which has me panting like crazy. My body aches terribly from the pain he inflicted on me, and I love it more than I thought I would.

My mind feels a fuzzy in a way that I can't describe properly right now. Why was that kiss so addicting after just one? I actually whimpered as he let go of my lip. It felt so freeing to be nothing more than his at this moment.

Why was I fighting this desire for so long? I could've had this glorious hour with him and so much more, a month and a half ago. If only I said those words sooner!

His tongue explored every part of my wet pussy, that this position is forcing me to present to him. One of his hands moved up to give my thoroughly spanked ass a few more swats. I cried out from the added pain that mixed with the pleasure of his next action.

His other hand decided to sink two fingers inside me just as his tongue found my clit. He flicked his tongue before sucking on my cilt. His fingers curled inside me, rubbing against something that made me scream. The way the pleasure coiled in my stomach made me tremble. How can I be so close already?

"Please, please, please my King!", I moaned out desperately as his fingers moved faster inside me.

I gasped out as I felt his fingers and mouth leave my body. I wished I could turn my head and stare at him as I begged. I wiggled as much as I could in the rope that is wrapped tightly around me.

The feeling of this restriction sends chills throughout my body in a way I could feel myself getting addicted to. It feels so good, but so did his mouth and fingers. I was just about to beg for them back on my body when a dozen hard smacks hit my thighs.

"Fuck! God!", I cried out as my vision started to get blurry with tears.

Those smacks were harder than the others somehow. After the first smack he gave me, I clenched against the fucking ginger root that caused the burn to increase in my asshole. The next sensation I felt was his skillful mouth eating me out as his hands held a bruising grip on my trembling thighs.

"Yes! Don't stop, please! My King, make me cum for you", I begged out in a series of moans as he licked and sucked on my clit while slipping two fingers back inside me.

I felt and heard him growl as he sucked on my cilt before I felt his teeth graze my sensitive bud. The pleasure that has been tightening into a coil inside me finally snapped. My toes curled, my eyes closed and twitched, my mouth hung open as I cried out, "I'm cumming, Thank you!"

His fingers kept moving faster, his teeth added more pressure to my clit. The pleasure continued to surge through my body like a roaring fire. My body jerked and trembled which caused my breath to come out in stutters. His fingers found that spot inside me, my g spot and abused it. I let out a string of curses and struggled hard against my restrictions.

The fire of pleasure just got hotter and more intense as he kept moving, prolonging my pleasure to the point it started to become a little overwhelming. A hard smack was delivered to my pussy and it was like I couldn't control my body anymore. A liquid came gushing out of my pussy as tears started to stain my face again. The pleasure was too much and my chest started to hurt, my lungs burning for air. How do I breathe again?

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