Chapter 47: An Angel's Sin ( Part 1/2)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it! 

Alexis' Pov:

Noah, Lilith and I got to know each other better that night. We shared stories, ate pizza and played Uno which turned into a pillow fight.

After I found out that Lilith was secretly hiding all the plus four cards under her thigh as we played. It was the perfect end to the day, that is until I fell asleep.

In the dream, for the first time in a long time, I'm not on the beach. I'm in the woods, with a fog hanging heavily in the air.

I feel that I'm not alone in the woods, every small sound has me turning in circles to find the source of it. Laughter filled the air and sent chills down my spine.

Every part of me screamed to run and I followed my instincts, running through the trees. I came upon light up ahead as I got closer I saw Corciel and Baltazar, sitting at a table staring at each other blankly.

Baltazar grabbed some grapes from a bowl in the middle and threw them at Corciel. Corciel swatted the grapes away as he growled, "No fun. Where's Doll?"

Baltazar would sigh as he replied, "Will this do, Elly?"

The grapes turned to plush dolls, that Corciel continued to toss away. The laughter got louder, closer, I started to bang on the glass separating us.

Baltazar smiled suddenly turning to face me as he said, "Here she comes, now."

The sound of glass cutting pierced my ears, I took a step back covering my ears as a glass door appeared in front of me. The sound stopped and I reached for the handle even as my hand started to tremble.

Corciel voice called out loudly, "Alexis open the door!"

I looked up at the glass and saw them slamming against the glass. Corcel is in his demon form and Baltazar has his wings out, flying to get more speed and force for each slam against the glass.

The laughing was deafening now, then everything went quiet and I felt breath on my neck. My body froze and I closed my eyes as fear gripped me tightly.

"You don't deserve them, they certainly don't deserve to be chained to you. Do the right thing and fall into something familiar, It was my own voice that whispered in my ear.

With those words, I knew exactly who was behind me now. I also knew that this dream wasn't about him, it was about me.

I opened my eyes, staring into the scared expression on the other me's face. Her voice didn't match her expression as she spoke with venom, "They'll leave you, pretend to love you. Marcus won't play those games, he'll be honest with you, stay with you as long as you don't mind the other girls."

I smiled at her as I reach to cup her cheek, "It's ok, I'm scared too. But I'm going to enjoy every second until the end."

The other me disappeared, the breath on the back of my neck let out a parting chuckle before it too disappeared. The glass shattered and I rushed forward to get to my men.

After I woke up, I started to get ready for the day. I needed to find my hairbrush to fix my hair, then eat and I'd be ready to go.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find the thing anywhere and I looked all over the apartment. Aside from Lilith's room, but Noah was in there so I didn't want to interrupt her sleep.

As Lilith came into the apartment with breakfast in tow, Noah walked out of Lilith's room fully dressed and ready to go. I smiled at them as I said, "Morning beautiful ladies."

They returned the greeting as Noah walked over to Lilith. They shared a kiss before they joined me in the dining area.

During breakfast, I got to know more about Noah, she's a nurse at the local hospital and she's only been a vampire for five years. She also works for a witch that deals in death magic, that is where she gets the lists for her kills.

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