Chapter 5: His dream girl

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A/N: I hope you enjoy!

Baltazar's Pov:

The sky was dark once I finished the daily report of my current human charge. I looked up at the sky, wondering how I would spend another night. The choice wasn't mine to make it seems, when something pulled at my very core. I followed the pull, as I wondered what this could be.

I found myself at the beach, in the light of the afternoon. It felt fake somehow. I scanned the sky, taking in the fuzziness on some spots on the sky. I looked around the scenery, taking in the long stretch of sand. I spotted a figure, human sitting on the sand.

They looked so alone. For some reason the sight made my chest ache in a way that I never known before. It was because of that ache that whenever I felt the pull, I'd follow it. I didn't see any harm in following the pull when it only happened at night.

As the nights passed, I got closer and closer to the figure, in this place with fuzzy edges around it. The curiosity of knowing them and figuring out why they felt so alone, ate away at me each night.

It was on the seventh night that I finally stood in front of them. The person in front of me has flowing straight red hair. Their eyes are almond shaped, their iris hold swirls of different shades of brown.

Their cheekbones are high, while their nose is more thin with a triangle tip. Freckles dotted their cheeks and nose like stars dotted the sky. Their lips are pink and heart shaped. Their skin reminded me of honey with warm undertones.

"What are you doing here?", She asked me with as slightly raised eyebrow.

I wanted to say, 'I am yours, why would I be anywhere else?'. The knee jerk response that existed in my head made my face flush. Why would I ever say that to anyone? It didn't make sense. Just like how it didn't make sense for me to be here.

I let out a breath before I answered her question, "I don't know."

She gave me a gentle smile as she reached for my cheek. Her hand felt warm against my cheek, I leaned into her touch. Her next words made sense somehow, “Something tells me you’re mine.”

I smiled back at her as I said, “Maybe you’re right.”

I looked around at the sencery again, something about it felt familiar, “Where are we?”

“My dream, I think. I’ve never had so much control while dreaming. It’s weird”, She pulled her hand away and started to walk in the water.

“This feels right to me”, I spoke without much thought behind it.

I wanted to get closer to her but the dream ended. I was sitting back in the house with my human charge. The day went and past, I felt on edge for some reason. It was very odd, even odder that it started to dissipate when I felt the pull to go into that dream again.

The sky wasn’t as blue as before, there were more clouds and wind this time. The woman stood on the beach, alone and shivering in this weather. The next thing I knew, I held her in my arms. She gasped, tensing her body as she tilted her head back looking up at me.

She let out a breath of relief, “Oh, it’s just you.”

“Why are you upset?”, I asked her, a sort of ache making itself known in my chest as I realized that there is something wrong with her.

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