Chapter 44: First Date Prep

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Corciel's Pov:

I knew that my Doll had a few insecurities, I wasn't prepared for her deep-seated self-hate and fear of love. The Angel knew and I suddenly wondered if my knowledge of her mattered more than his.

The Angel knows glimpses of her soul while I know what she chooses to show, which is probably about the same as what Lilith knows. I clenched my jaw as I realized that despite what I said about knowing enough, I want to know more.

So I decided to give her what she wants, for us to date. Even if I would rather have Alexis move in and change her mind about having this relationship be polyamorous.

If she did that, I'd allow the Angel to stay in our life as a friend and occasional cameraman during our sex. I relaxed my jaw as I waited for her answer, knowing that now wasn't the best time to add my thoughts to the mix.

"I don't have clothes here", Alexis stated the obvious as she glared at me in her lame excuse to say no without omitting that it's out of fear.

I smirked at her, knowing that she wouldn't back down now. She would hate to admit her fear any further than she already has.

I wonder if she has forgotten about her similar confessions yesterday while she was high. Either way, she opened up to me and the angel twice even with her fear and the act of trust causes warmth to settle in my hearts.

I gave her my orders as I knew exactly what I wanted to do with her on our date, "Dress casual, be ready by noon."

Alexis raised an eyebrow as she asked, "What?"

I summoned my smoke and willed it to take her back to her apartment before the conversation could continue. Without Alexis, I became more aware of Baltazar and the fact that he's shirtless in my dining room.

Before I could stop myself, my eyes greedily took in every line and curve of his exposed pale skin. I wondered how he'd look decorated with hickeys?

What sound would he make when I sink my teeth into him? I clenched my jaw tightly in an effort to come to my senses, Baltazar is to be tolerated and nothing else.

Those words seemed to have lost some of the meaning behind them after how many times I repeated them last night. I suppose it had something to do with the way he reacted to the movies and the information I gave him.

His eyes brightening a little with the new information, how thankful he sounded after gaining each fact in why I liked each movie. Baltazar can be very endearing, adorable and innocent.

"I could have taken her home, you didn't have to teleport her. What if it has an adverse effect on her?", He asked as he pulled his eyebrows together in concern.

I lowered my eyelids as I fought to push away my annoyance. I knew now that he only felt concern for her, not anger at me while questioning my decision and control over my powers.

I sighed as I decided to soothe him before scowling him, "Relax B. I only did it because she needs some time alone to think things over and get ready for our date. You letting the L-word slip didn't help anything by the way. It was a bad move, Angel."

Baltazar's eyebrows shot up at the new information then sadness swept over his features. I briefly wondered what it would take to make him cry.

He looked away with sudden shame, lifting a hand to ruffle the back of his head as he spoke in his defense, "I was simply being honest, and trying to show her that we won't leave her. What better way to do that than by telling her we love her?"

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