Chapter 34: Witness His Favorite Sin (Part 2/4)

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A/N: I hope you all enjoy it!

Baltazar's Pov:

I swallowed as I press record on the camera. Moving the camera shot slowly up from the floor to the bed where Alexis laid willingly, naked, blindfolded, and bound. The light from the room created a warm glow on her light brown skin.

My eyes trailed down her body on their own accord, taking in every inch of her body. A rush of heat spread across my face almost matched the heat that pooled in my lower body.

For a moment, I felt dirty, disgusting, like some pervert. I can see her but she can't see me. This is wrong, isn't it? I should go, shouldn't I? But then I remembered the quick nod of her head, confirming that she wanted me here, she wanted me to see this.

I decided then that I would do all I could not miss a second of this. How could I deny her anything? I mean it would help me understand both of them a little better right?

I took a few steps closer to the bed. Corciel came into the frame with a bottle of some type of oil in his hand. He popped the cap open and let some of the contents drip down on to Alexis' skin.

Upon contact, she let out a gasp, "What is that?"

"Something to heighten your sense of touch" Corciel answered her as the drips of the contents started to make a pool on her chest.

Corciel put the bottle down and started to rub the oil all over her chest, arms, and stomach. He needed to pour more on her to cover her legs as well as between them.

His hands lingered there, massaging her soft delicate folds until moans spilled from Alexis' lips. I moved closer to the bed until my legs rested on the bed frame. I needed to be closer to get a better shot of this. I zoomed in on the Coricel's moving hands then panned up to Alexis' face.

Her mouth parted and expression relaxed as she moaned. I moved the camera angle back down taking notice of how her brown nipples are perked up, oiled and warm looking under the soft light.

I swallowed as the heat increased just a little in my lower regions. A rush of thoughts seized me at once, what would her skin taste like? How would it feel against my tongue? What sound would she give me?

The appendage between my legs swelled faster than ever. I tightened my hold on the camera to keep my hands busy. It would be unseemly to adjust my pants to accommodate for the lack of space right now.

A sharp snap sound pulled me from my thoughts. My eyes moved toward the source, landing on Corciel. He silently pointed to the candles then opened his hand, palm facing upwards.

I grabbed the bright harlequin shaded green candle, which already held a pool of liquid wax around the wick. The hell flame's heat felt almost overwhelming from the simple single flame.

It's striking deep red and white color enchanted me in a way I never thought possible. I wanted to feel more of its heat, the temptation grew the longer I stared at the flame. Lightning struck starting at my wrist and traveling through every part of my being.

I gasped in shock losing my grip on the candle at the same time. I looked down at the sight of Corciel's hand on my wrist, the candle held in his other hand. The hell flame dancing for a few seconds from the sudden movement. My face became hot as my stomach tighten, I couldn't look him in the face.

I didn't want him to see my face either, so I quickly turned away. I took a few calming breaths, the scent of my soulmates and burning wax helped.

The sound of a deep groan caused me to turn back towards the bed and an acute feeling of protectiveness seized me.

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