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Jessica Lange Huston sits on a picnic blanket next to her husband's headstone. She gently runs her fingers over his name, tears rolling down her face.

"Oh, Danny." Jessica said sadly. "Why did you have to go? I miss you so much, baby. I can't believe it's been three years since you've been gone."

Daniel Huston was coming home from work one late March night. He was head surgeon at their local Los Angeles hospital.

He was at a stop light and as he waited, he thought about his beautiful wife who was waiting for him at home. He smiled to himself as he thought about her and he couldn't wait to be with her.

The light turned green and Danny pressed on the gas pedal to go. Suddenly, a car came out of nowhere and hit Danny's side of the car.

Jessica was at home putting together a special surprise for Danny. She was so happy to give him this gift. It was something they had been trying for, for so long.

Once she finished, she placed it onto the side. Then the phone began to ring. Jessica reaches over and answered the phone. It was a phone call that changed her life forever.

Jessica sobbed as she remembered those dark times.

That phone call was from the same hospital Danny worked at.

She was told that a drunk driver had crashed right into Danny's side of the car. Danny was taken to the hospital with a weakened pulse.

Danny was a well respected doctor and as soon as he arrived at the hospital, all of his colleagues made it their mission to save him.

His fellow doctors did everything they could but in the end, Danny's heart gave out and he took his last breath.

Jessica remembered the days after Danny's funeral and also remembered Danny's gift. She had opened it after his funeral and sobbed even more.

It was a baby onesie that said, Baby Huston coming September 15.

"I'm so sorry I couldn't keep our baby safe, Danny." Jessica said. " I know you are taking good care them."

Jessica unfortunately suffered a miscarriage due to the stress and heartbreak of losing Danny. Which drove Jessica more into despair, but as time went on and with the help of her friends and family, Jessica was able to move on. She just had to take things one day at a time.

Also as time went on, Jessica vowed to never find love again. Danny was her one and only love.

Jessica wiped her tears away and said. "I wish I could stay longer. But I have to get to work. I'll come visit you again soon. I love you, Daniel."

Jessica leans over and placed a kiss on Danny's headstone then stands up.

She folds the picnic blanket and tucks it under her arms. She takes one last look at Danny's headstone then she turns and walks away.

Hello! Here's another Jessica fanfic and I hope you all liked this first chapter and are interested in what happens next.

This story was inspired by a movie I saw years ago and recently saw it again. The movie is called Mary and Tim.

But of course, I will be throwing in a twist.

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