The Beginnings (Art by Me)

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Well, of course Reaper was nervous. His first reaping!! His bony hands shook as he floated through the darkened Ruins. It was basically empty, given for a few prototype monsters. The game was still in development after all. And this was its first faulty character!! His first death. He sighed, a glowing cloud of blue mist escaping his teeth. The black robe made him almost invisible to anyone passing by. Finally, he reached it.

There was a large hole in the ceiling far above him. He knew that was where the human would eventually fall in the game. The cavern was empty. Well, almost. He stopped in shock at a sound. It was raspy and broken. The sound of pain. He drifted around, noticing a large blood spatter in the center of the cavern. The trail led off to the side, in the shadows. There, he found her. He stopped. Reaper had never seen a human. He knew they were going to be the game's protagonist or antagonist, depending on some higher being's choices. That was all he knew.

Reaper approached the sprawled being cautiously. The human was dangerous, he knew. The only info he had, was that it was a female in its early 20's. He got closer and his eyes lit up the area. He froze, a chill being sent up his spine. Of course, Reaper had never seen a human, but... He was pretty sure they weren't supposed to look like this. The female was light, covered in flesh. She wore a dark grey, leather jacket that had slipped down to her elbows and a ripped black shirt. Her legs were covered in dirt and clothed in ripped, grey skinny jeans. She wore black combat boots, the only thing seeming untouched from her fall. Bright green eyes were filled with pain and one was bloodshot. Freckles dotted her body, and long, orange hair framed her face.

Reaper's eyes moved from her face. To her neck. Her head laid at an odd angle that Reaper was sure humans shouldn't have. He noticed a bit of spine poking up out of her skin and immediately went to touch his own in shock. Blood seeped from the wound, getting all over her hair and it drizzled from her mouth. Her entire body seemed limp and useless. Water was trickling from her eyes as she stared at him. Her eyes had fixed solely on him. Reaper had an understanding. This was one of the reasons he'd been created. To bring people out of pain and suffering. He drifted closer, settling in front of her.

Reaper sighed, releasing more blue mist before taking a deep breath and speaking to her. "Heya... Yøu løøk like yøu tøøk a nasty fall... It'll be økay... Just cløse yøur eyes..." The human stared at him before those green eyes slowly disappeared under her eyelids. Her breathing was bubbly and broken. Reaper sighed. "Nø øne shøuld have tø suffer like this..." He reached out and his hand lit up. The human's chest glowed and soon, their soul drifted out in front of him. It was bright red, like he'd heard human souls were. But... the bottom of the soul was black. He furrowed his brow, assuming it wouldn't make a difference.

Focus, Reaper. He thought to himself quietly as he set down his scythe and reached out with his bony hands. Just like Gaster had showed him... Encase the soul. Touch it. He closed his eyes and felt the warm ness of the soul on his skeletal fingers. All of a sudden, he let out a shriek as there was a cracking noise and he felt something splinter beneath his hands. He quickly yanked them back. As he did, he could only watch in horror as the human's soul shattered into pieces. He closed his eyes. Was this how it worked? Had he reaped her?? He was confused.

Reaper blinked as he heard a soft buzzing and looked up. The shards of the souls were moving back together. He watched as they all stopped, each piece separate from the next. They all formed a heart shape. The black had taken over the bottom of every piece. Reaper blinked at it. He reached out and tapped a piece. It didn't move. He furrowed his brow and drifted up. "... Human...?" The soul faded, slipping back to the human.

The female had stopped breathing. He watched in shock as color suddenly seemed to drain from her. Her orange hair suddenly had grey spilling out all over it. It was swallowing the orange until he could only see it on her tips. Her skin was pale and so were her clothes. He was horrified. Was this what everything would look like after he reaped them?? He blinked and lifted his hand, summoning his scythe to it. Was his job done...? He assumed it was, but something didn't feel right. He turned and started to drift away. All of a sudden, he froze as there was a cracking noise.

Reaper turned. He jolted back in shock. The human had sat up, neck still broken and bleeding, the blood a pale maroon. He watched as her eyes opened. He... He'd never seen that shade of green before. It was so dull, it was practically grey. They were lifeless. The same eyes he would see when Gaster reaped animals as examples. He watched as her body slowly seemed to come to life. Each movement was twitchy and uncertain. It was horrifying.

The god of death had never been so disturbed. He watched as she got to her feet, her head resting on her shoulder. Slowly, with blood-stained hands, she reached up and Reaper flinched as she yanked her head back into her neck with a squishy crack. New blood seemed to run from her mouth. She stared at him, one hand staying to keep her head upright. Reaper blinked. She wasn't dead. Why was she not dead??

Reaper slowly realized something else. He drifted closer to her. She made no move to attack him. She wasn't even breathing. Reaper gulped. He reached out with a glowing hand again, revealing that shattered soul. Reaper gulped. "I... I..." He stammered. This was his first time!! Had he already messed it up?? Even though she showed no emotion or signs, the aura of pain that grew out from her was almost unbearable. Reaper had never felt anything like it. He jumped as the human took a deep, wheezy breath.

"Why... a...m... I... a...alive...?"

The human spoke in a rough, scratchy, bubbling voice. It was monotonous and full of melancholy. Reaper stared at her, his hands shaking. He didn't know. "I... I døn't knøw..." He admitted softly. The human stared at him. Finally, she took a step towards him, the soul fusing back into her body.

"It... hurts..."

The human's voice broke down into a gurgle and Reaper's eyes widened. She was still suffering. She was still in pain. He gulped and looked down. "I... I cøuldn't tell yøu, kid... but I think I knøw sømeøne whø can..." The human blinked at him and Reaper stretched out a bony hand uncertainly. After a moment's hesitation, the human reached out and took his hand. Normally, creatures would die upon touching him. But... she seemed unaffected. He shakily tucked his scythe under his arm and lifted his hand. He needed answers. Reaper snapped his fingers and they both disappeared, leaving behind the dark, bloodied cavern.

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