The Perfect Gift

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"Nghehehe!!" Berry cackled in delight. Undyne, the fishy mad scientist, fixed her glasses. She wore a large, white coat with black buckles around her torso and waist. The neck billowed up into a turtleneck, covering blue scales and her red hair was tied up in a bun. She clicked yellow, sharpened teeth and spoke in a quiet voice. 

"Is that all, Sans?" She asked. Berry nodded and giggled. He danced in place, holding out his gloved hands excitedly. "You must have one hell of a friend if THIS kind of gift is up their alley!" She handed him two pieces wrapped in fabric. He grinned and hugged them to himself before blinking. 

"They're empty?" He asked, wanting to make sure. Undyne grinned. Berry thanked her once again before teleporting to his next stop. It was Muffet's. He busted into the diner, catching everyone's attention as he giggled madly, darting up to the bar counter. He quickly slipped a few gold pieces onto the counter before the spidery bartender that was Muffet reached out with one of her spindly legs. 

Muffet's eight legs were all at work. Scrubbing the counter and a few dishes. She wore her hair in a tight black ponytail and wore a purple and black suit. Two of her legs reached under the counter and pulled up two more pieces, wrapped in tissue paper. Berry squeaked and snatched them before turning and teleporting off to his house. 

It had been a few days since Scooter had arrived in Swapfell. She hadn't done anything at their house but sit on the couch. She never slept either. She only sat up straight with her her eyes closed. Papyrus found her annoying and Berry had scolded him, saying that Scooter, quite literally, hadn't done anything to warrant hostility. It seemed Papyrus kept trying to threaten her and Berry didn't know why. He shrugged as he appeared on his front step. 

He shouldered open the door and shut it behind him. "The Maleficent Sans has returned!!" He announced. Scooter slowly opened her eyes on the couch as Papyrus looked up, having been sitting across from her. He was still smoking. Berry decided to ignore this clearly health hazardous task and focused.

"Whatcha got there, bro?" Papyrus drawled. Scooter seemed significantly less interested in what he had. Berry's smile twitched. He stood triumphantly, darting next to the table in front of her. He laid out the pieces, still wrapped up. 

Berry gave a wicked grin before pointing at Scooter triumphantly. "PREPARE yourself, human! For the GREATEST gift you have EVER received!!" He shouted, his voice booming with excitement. Scooter blinked at him, not at all seeming excited. "I will not be perturbed by you uninterested face, as I, the Maleficent Sans, have learned that that is your natural face! Therefore, I shall not be discouraged!" He placed his fists on his pelvis, his grin twitching. He was so excited! 

Scooter blinked before turning that grey, melancholy gaze to the pieces on the table. She sighed. 

"May I open them?" 

Berry jumped and nodded. "By all means!!" He gestured to them, grinning. Scooter nodded. She reached out one pale hand and began to unwrap one of the tissue-covered parcels. She tore the paper off with a soft rip before revealing what was inside. She blinked. She was holding a holster, made of thick, black and red fabric. She blinked at it and for the first time, Berry saw a different color spread into her eyes. Green. It was faint. She seemed... surprised. She blinked and slowly furrowed her brow, the muscles twitchy. 

It was like she wasn't used to changing her facial expression. She placed the holster down, her hand immediately reaching up for one of the fabric-encased parcels. Berry blinked. Scooter's hands were shaking. She unwrapped it and stopped. Immediately, Berry heard Papyrus stand up and he whipped around, glaring at him. "Sit down!" He snapped. Papyrus seemed uneasy before he scowled and slowly sat back down. Berry turned back to Scooter. 

Her hand traced over the shiny metal of the revolver. She studied it quietly, her hand fitting perfectly around it. For a moment, she let off a feeling of nostalgia before the painful aura crept back in. There were wisps of metallic red painted all over the gun. Scooter clicked something and the chamber came out. She blinked. Berry stopped. There was one bullet inside. Scooter clicked it shut and spun the chamber. 

Berry blinked in shock as Scooter began to speak, raising the gun to the side of her head. 

"Russian Roulette was one of my favorite games." 

Her voice cracked a bit, sounding like she was on the verge of tears. She locked eyes with him. Berry blinked and tipped his head. She pulled the trigger and the gun clicked. Nothing. She sighed, lowering the gun.

"Figures... I was always good at that game..." 

She blinked and looked up at Berry. She twitched before she gave a smile. 

"Thank you, Berry. I love it." 

Berry blinked before he exploded into a triumphant ranting. "I knew it!! I knew it! The Maleficent Sans is not one to disappoint, no, no, no!!" He cackled in delight. He turned to Scooter. "I made sure it was SPECIFICALLY a revolver! Because that's what you had when you were alive, right??? That's what I heard!" 

Scooter blinked at him, seeming confused. She looked down at the gun before her emotionless curtain swept back over her face and her eyes turned grey. 

"I... don't remember." 

The monotonous rumble was back in her voice and Berry internally groaned. He shook it off and smiled. He watched as he reached out, tracking her hand over the other two parcels. 

"You... gave me two...?" 

Berry grinned and nodded. "Of course! The Maleficent Sans wouldn't dare disappoint, so I had TWO made!" He stared firmly. Scooter blinked before standing up. Her body glitched as she slipped off her coat, it falling on the couch. She attached the holsters to eithe rside of her belt before pausing. Once again, the wave of nostalgia swept out, this time stronger than before. Berry blinked at her. She nodded quietly. 

"Thank you." 

Berry was taken back. There'd been so much emotion in those two words. Scooter's voice had shook. But her face remainined unchanged. He stared at her before clicking his tongue and crossing his arms. "I'll NEVER understand you humans!" He huffed. Scooter blinked. She pulled her coat back on, hiding the guns before she came over. 

"Hey-" Papyrus had gotten up, his time threatening. He was cut off as Scooter knelt down and hugged Berry. Berry jumped, blushing purple. 

"Y-Yes!! You are welcome, human!" He said, internally screaming with excitement. Scooter pulled away and sighed. 

"I should go... I've been here too long..." 

Berry blinked before sighing. "If you say so! It was nice to meet you, Scooter!" He said cheerfully. Scooter blinked and looked back at him, already heading to the door. 

She paused halfway out and sighed. 

"It was nice to see you too." 

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