From Then On

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Sans sighed as he moved through the snow. Next reset, new possibilities. No, who was he kidding? It was always the same possibilities. He briefly wondered whether it would be a nuetral or pacifist run. It clearly wasn't another Genocide Run, otherwise all the monsters would be talking more about how terrifying humans were. He had other things to take care of. It would be a few more days before the human showed up.

Sans began to head to the one place he knew. He pushed open the door and raised a hand. "Heya." Immediately, everyone in Grillby's diner greeted him. Of course they knew him. He was a regular. His eyes scanned the bar, which was empty. He sighed. He went up and teleported himself up onto a stool. He raised a hand. "The usual, Grillbz." The silent man of fire behind the counter nodded, made of burning red and orange flame. Sans rested his head against his hand, closing his eyes to rest for a moment.

The door opened. Immediately, the chatter in the diner died down as a suddenly uncomfortable tension filled the air. Sans knew who it was. He turned, as Grillby handed him a bottle of ketchup, to look at the figure in the door. There she was. Scooter had her hood up, and her face was covered. The monsters all murmured as she moved forward before settling in the stool next to Sans. Grillby went over, seeing if she wanted anything, but she shook her head, holding up a hand. Grillby seemed to understand and moved away.

Sans turned to her. "So... you're a human, right? That's hilarious..." He said quietly. It didn't hold the same meaning as when he said it to the kid. He jumped as she reached out and gently took his hand. He was tense, but didn't smack her away. He blinked as she turned his hand over to reveal a small whoopee-cushion. He blinked as she suddenly made a small scoffing noise and he looked up. He blinked. She was... was she smiling a bit? Her grey eyes held a tint of green. A small smile spread across her face.

"The old whoopee-cushion in the hand trick?"

She raised her eyebrows to look at him, a small glint in her eyes.

"It's always funny."

Scooter gave a quiet, wheezy laugh and the pressure in the room lightened. He watched as the tips of her grey hair slowly became orange. Sans stared at her. He had a feeling he was witnessing something that was practically a once-in-a-lifetime experience. He blinked at her and she seemed to realize that he was staring. She blinked.


"Nothing... But you have to explain some things." He said, tapping his skeletal fingers. As he tapped, he noticed Scooter's body glitch a little as her eyes focused on his fingers. She seemed to find something familiar in him doing that. "So... let's SCOOT on past the introductions and let's get right to the explanations. Who are you...?" Sans blinked as the glint in her eyes faded, along with her smile. Her emotionless face returned and she sighed. Almost immediately, Sans saw dust appear on the counter. It was red.

"I have already told you."

"No, no. Why are you here? Who are you to me? I don't think I know you... And you definitely don't seem like you belong here." Sans noted, taking a sip from the ketchup bottle. Scooter blinked and seemed to understand.

"The... first... fallen human..."

Sans blinked. The FIRST? As in the one that had set Asgore off collecting human souls and caused the Queen to leave him?? He blinked at her. "Kid, I hate to burst your bubble, but everyone knows that Chara was the first-"


Everyone jumped as Scooter suddenly slammed the counter with her fists. Her face twitched. Sans jumped as she stood up and pulled off her hood. Everyone jumped. Previously unseen, multiple piercings glinted on her ears. Sans blinked as the world suddenly went grey around him. Scooter had down it again. What had she called it? Pausing the game? She continued to move, each movement twitchy.

"No, they WEREN'T!"

Sans watched in alarm as Scooter lifted her head, revealing glowing red eyes. Her face was twisted in hatred and anger. She began to frantically untie and unravel the rope from around her neck.

"They were only the first fallen human to SURVIVE!!"

As she roared the last part, the rope came off and Sans shrieked, scrambling back as her head twisted to the side with an ugly crack. Bone jutted out of her neck, showing her spine to have been disconnected from her skull. She held the rope and lifted her head with one of her hands to glare at him.

"I was the first!! This was going to be MY world! The king and queen would've been MY family!!"

Scooter stared at him, tears running down her face from glowing eyes.

"But That didn't happen!! Instead, I snapped my damn neck and became IMMORTAL!!"

Sans blinked as a glow lit up her chest. He watched in shock as her soul appeared. It was shards and fragments shattered into the vague formation of a heart. Each piece was black and red. Scooter held her head, sobbing.

"I didn't want THIS!! I just want to DIE!! But I CAN'T. And if ONE MORE GODDAMN PERSON tells me that there's no way I was the first fallen human, I AM GOING TO RIP THEIR FACE OFF!!!"

She spat the last words with venom. She finally fell silent, panting. Sans watched in shock, ready if she lashed out. Finally, she dropped to her knees and laid against the ground, shaking.

"It was supposed to be me... it was supposed to be me..."

She was murmuring it over and over before her hands curled into fists.

"I want to die..."

Sans felt a tugging in his chest. "Geez... an immortal who wants to die...? You... have a pretty rough life..." He said quietly. He watched as she sat up, her tears still trickling. Her face was emotionless once again and the red glow in her eyes was gone. She sighed and put her head into position before retying the rope around her neck. She yanked the knot and lowered her hands shakily. Sans blinked.

"That's all I've wanted for years... decades..."

Her voice lacked emotion once more and Sans stared at her. He watched as her soul retreated back into her chest and she looked down. She stood and raised a hand. Sans watched as she pulled her hood back up.

"It's been a nice talk."

Without another word, she turned and left the diner. As she left, color seemed to return to the world and everyone chatted, like she hadn't even been there at all. Sans stared at the door. She'd taken her suffocating presence with her. Sans knew what the presence was now.

Scooter's presence was a heavy pain that followed her wherever she went. He sighed and turned back. He pictured her crying again and something tugged in his chest before he closed his eyes, murmuring to both himself and her. "Be good, kid... I'm rooting for ya..."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now