Dinner Time

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"No, Paps, I'm alright." The skeleton's gravelly voice strained from his narrow-toothed smile. He continued to tap his fingers aimlessly against the post. His brother stood in front of it, holding a plate of what seemed to be spaghetti. The original skeleton's other hand was buried into the side of his skull, where there was a giant, jagged hole. He continued to tap.

"B-But Brother!! You haven't e-eaten in days!!" The taller, Papyrus, protested. He was hunched over, his teeth having grown long and crooked. They were stained with red. He tipped his head, beady eyes fixed on the first skeleton. The first skeleton blinked at him with a single, bright red eye and small dot of a pupil. He shook his head again and Papyrus huffed, before storming off towards Snowdin, the snow crunching under his boots. The first skeleton turned back towards the front as he continued to tap his fingers.

He was hungry. Oh, he was so hungry. But he'd made himself a promise that he wasn't going to eat a human. And even though his brother had already succumbed to it, he had sworn he wasn't going to. Even though EVERYONE ELSE had already succumbed to it... His fingers tapped faster as his grip tightened on his skull. Not him. Not him... He stopped. What was that? He could hear something. It wasn't a monster. The steps were too controlled... They weren't... HUNGRY enough to be a monster... His grin spread as he felt a horrible, twisting feeling of anger and jealousy. "Those footsteps sound well-fed." He hissed through his wide smile. He twitched and paused, listening. They were getting closer. That... that didn't sound like the human... They were too slow to be the human. The human would still be running from Toriel. It was too early.

The footsteps suddenly stopped and the area went quiet once again. Finally, he sighed and got up. He reached under the wooden counter and pulled up a heavy axe. He slung it over his shoulder, humming a broken tune. Whatever was in the forest, he would soon make quick work of it. He couldn't wait to see the horror in its eyes. Himself... in its eyes.

Horror began to make his way into the woods, his bloody slippers crunching along the ground. The white fur on his hoodie did nothing to deter the cold wind whipping past him. He couldn't feel it. He was supposed to be headed towards the Ruins now anyways. He had to sit at the door and wait for Toriel's signal. He headed along the path, his footsteps slow and uneven. He was so hungry. He twitched again, briefly wondering how Papyrus was doing, no doubt feeding the monsters his human spaghetti. His bro was so nice.

Horror came out onto the path that led to the Ruins. He blinked. That was unexpected. A figure was walking down the path from the Ruins. He stopped in his tracks. There it was... The same footsteps from earlier. The shape was human. But why couldn't he smell it? It clearly wasn't HIS human. He listened closely. The footsteps were slow, but even. His fingers started to tap along the handle of his axe. He watched them. Usually, the human would shiver and be breathing out clouds like a factory. This one did neither. Were they even breathing? That peaked Horror's interest.

He dropped his axe in the snow and snapped his fingers as they reached the destroyed human bridge. He appeared behind them. They wore a black leather coat and a red hood with yellow fluff. Grey pants and black boots. He gave a dark chuckle and they stopped. "Human." He paused as parts of their body seemed to glitch. "... Don't you know how to greet a new pal?" They didn't move. He sensed no fear from them. He... didn't sense ANYTHING from them. "...Turn around... and shake my hand..." He watched as the human turned and he was taken back to see a rope around their neck around their neck that looked way too tight for comfort. Grey hair fell down the front of their body, Ending in orange tips. A pale, almost white, freckled hand lifted itself. The movement was slow and uncertain, like they weren't used to doing it.

Horror blinked as they shook his hand. He lowered his and stared at them. "You... are a human... right?" They didn't answer. Instead, they lifted their hands and pulled back their hood. Pale, grey, dead eyes stared down at him. They almost seemed to paralyze him in place. This thing... LOOKED human... She just didn't... FEEL human. The feelings that leaked off of her, were of pain and desperation. He blinked before giving a grin. "C'mon, answer my question. I'm just... STARVING for information about you."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now