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Outer sat on the edge of the planet. He'd been waiting for an hour. He sighed, looking down through the endless stars. He finally flicked his finger, sending out stardust.


He watched as the message stayed, with him being able to hold it for a little longer each time. He held his breath. Finally, he gasped and released it. The stardust quivered before dispersing and dropping into the void of space. He watched it before closing his eyes and sighing again. Finally, Outer started to get up, losing hope. All of a sudden, he blinked as red dust swirled up and he felt his heart jump in excitement. He watched as the dust formed words.


What? Outer was confused. He immediately formed more stardust before sending it out.


Where did she think he was? He chuckled softly. He knew he had the power to jump through to the Omega Timeline, but that definitely didn't always mean he was going to. The other AU's, as cool as they were, he sometimes got annoyed or overwhelmed by them. He watched as a small bit of red dust floated up.


What? Outer's eyesockets widened as the planet suddenly shook. The entire world turned grey for a moment before color immediately restored itself. Outer was wide-eyed. What had just happened?! He gulped. He stared around, desperately hoping that the kid wasn't the cause of this. He jumped as there was a sudden gasp of breath behind him.


Outer's breath caught in his throat. He didn't recognize the voice. It was female, broken, and raspy. But he knew EXACTLY who it was. He slowly turned and allowed himself to face Scooter, his hands trembling excitedly in his pockets.

He stopped. She was indeed a human. A tall human and one that was clearly older than the one that passed through his AU every reset. She was pale and freckled, metal glintin in her ears and fingers. Grey skinny jeans with a gold chain and black boots. Black sweatshirt over a pale, red, yellow-hooded jackets. A black leather coat covered her. She blinked at him with dull, glassy grey eyes that reflected the sky. Her hair was long, frizzled, and grey with orange tips. A faded ribbon was tied tightly around her throat and Outer knew exactly why.

Scooter had practically told him exactly what she looked like, bu to see her in person was still shocking for him. She blinked down at him. Outer was completely speechless. Finally, Scooter took in a shaking breath and Outer was immediately taken back. There was no air here. Hi was she breathing? He watched as her body glitched before she spoke.

"Hello, Outer. It's nice to meet you..."

Scooter's voice held no hint of emotion and that made Outer blink. At least when they spoke in messages, the glow would tell him how she felt. Speaking to her directly, he couldn't pick up on anything. He tipped his head at her and she blinked before slowly doing the same. Finally, he approached her and reached out a hand with a smile.

Scooter blinked before nodding and reaching out as well, shaking his hand. He chuckled as she jumped from a buzz. She drew her hand back, her face unchanging the whole time. Outer smiled and held up His hand, revealing the joy buzzer strapped to it. "Whoopee cushions don't work up here." He said, shrugging. Scooter blinked before nodding.


Not even a snicker... Outer couldn't help but feel disappointed, but he knew it wasn't Scooter's fault she was like this. Her gaze moved past him and he blinked as she suddenly moved forward, her head faced upwards. He turned. Oh. She was looking up at the stars. Oh! Outer jumped and spoke. "Oh, uh, Scooter." She turned to look at him. He smiled awkwardly. "I... kinda made you a gift... cause you were saying other AU's are always giving you things..." Scooter blinked and fully turned to face him before approaching him.

Outer lifted his hand and slowly, glowing particles started moving together before forming a long, silver and white scarf. It glowed softly. Scooter blinked as it floated down to her and she reached up to take it. Outer blinked, his fingers immediately moving forward to link together nervously.

"It's soft..."

Outer blinked as she spoke before smiling. "Yeah... do you like it? I'm sorry if you don't have any SPACE for it, but... haha..." He felt his heart racing. This was not the time for puns. Why had he done that?

Scooter blinked and looked up at him. She twitched and Outer jumped as he saw a bit of green spread through her grey eyes and orange crept up her grey hair. Slowly, her lips twitched a smile. When she spoke, he heard gentle affection.

"Thank you..."

Outer jumped in place, practically bursting with joy over the fact that she liked it. Scooter noticed before chuckling quietly. Woah... Outer stared at her. Scooter blinked and the color seemed to die down in her eyes as her expression was swallowed back into melancholy. She sighed and knelt down.

"Brought something for you too... because it is custom for me to provide a gift..."

Outer's heart jumped. Oh! He didn't think she would've brought a gift for him too!! He hooked his fingers together nervously. He didn't know why he was the one who was nervous. Scooter blinked and tipped her head. He blinked as she reached into her pocket and pulled out a lighter. He furrowed his brow.

Fire didn't do well in space. He blinked as she raised a hand above the lighter before activating it. He watched in shock and amazement as the flames filtered upwards, forming into a bright, orange, glowing tree. Fiery branches spread out before the entire thing glitched. The tree seemed to stutter for a minutes before Scooter started to close the cap and the tree sank back down into the lighter. Scooter snapped it shut and handed him the lighter.

Outer held it with his bony fingers before looking up at her. Scooter blinked before nodding to him.

"Now you open it."

She prompted him gently and Outer blinked before looking down. He flicked open the lighter, holding the switch down. To his amazement, the tree reformed itself, only disappearing when he took his skeletal finger off the switch. He grinned. "That's so cool!" He said, his eyes wide. He had a huge grin on his face and he probably looked like an idiot. Scooter nodded, informing him the fire would not burn if touched. And it couldn't be put out. Outer tucked it away, absolutely thrilled. He couldn't believe Scooter was actually here!

He blinked as Scooter's gaze was pulled away from him again and she turned, standing as she stared out at the stars. She seemed captivated by them.

"In the other AU's... they never see the stars..."

Outer blinked, slightly shocked by that information. He sat next to her, listening as she spoke.

"They have dots of light on the ceilings of their homes, but never true stars."

"That's... saddening to hear..." Outer said quietly. Stars were so beautiful. He couldn't imagine a single moment without them. They'd been there his whole life. He sat there, glancing up and noticing she'd closed her eyes. Outer blinked before latching his fingers together and doing the same. He enjoyed the peacefulness.

"I'll have to go. They'll be searching for me."

Scooter's voice was soft, but not startling. Outer blinked as he looked over before nodding in understanding. Yeah... Ink and Error. Outer chuckled and nodded.

"I'll stay a few moments longer."

Outer acknowledged her statement with a small murmur. Even now, the aura of pain that had come off of Scooter when she arrived had lessened for the moment. They both looked out over the stars before closing their eyes and relishing the sound of space, along with each other's silent company.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now