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"I FOUND-" Ink's cry of triumph was cut off as he watched the paper go limp once more. Scooter had left the AU. He stared at it hopelessly before looking around. None of the other papers in his sight had curled. He'd lost her once again. Ink sighed and dropped to the bottom of the Doodle Sphere. He curled up in a ball, pulling his knees to his chest. He blinked as he felt a hand on his shoulder. 

"D-D-D-Don't blame yourself, Squid... Sh-Sh-She's pretty hard to n-n-n-nail down..." Error grunted as he sat next to the other. "Besides, there's s-s-s-so many damn AU's..." His voice turned into a grumble and Ink snorted. He turned to look at the other, resting his skull on his arm. 

"As always, Error, your words are truly beautiful..." He teased. Error sighed and rolled his eyes. Ink sighed, relaxing. He couldn't help but feel hurt by what Scooter had said. 

I've had enough of your... ideas... for a while. 

Just thinking of her saying that made his throat close up. He'd lost her trust. Ink had finally had the horrifying realization that he was causing Scooter more pain than she was already suffering with.  He buried his face in his knees. He was supposed to be helping them! Not hurting them! He sighed and rubbed his cheek. 

What was he going to do? He sighed. "I can't possibly catch her on my own... Not even with you..." He shrugged helplessly to Error. "I can't ask Dream, because he doesn't want to make her unhappy. I can't ask Nightmare, because he'll murder my face off." Ink rubbed his head in thought. Error watched him quietly. 

"Wh-Wh-Why don't you just ask the AU's? I'm sure a-a-a-at least one of these abominations c-c-c-c-can catch her!" He exclaimed, gesturing to the papers all around them. Ink blinked before looking up. 

"But most of the AU's aren't aware of my existence! And if they are, they don't really know who I am!" He explained, resting his head on his knees. Error sighed in irritation. 

"Th-Th-Th-Then find the ones who do!! Ask th-th-th-them!" He said, throwing his hands up. He turned away, rubbing his skull as his body glitched. He closed his eyes, refocusing so he could pull himself together. Ink watched him quietly. He knew the other was just as stressed as he was.  He didn't understand why. Error hated anomalies, so trying to help one was usually out of the question. But then again, this anomaly WAS trying to destroy itself. 

Ink sighed and turned to look back up at all the papers, quietly considering Error's idea. He furrowed his brow. Which AU's could he POSSIBLY ask? They had to know about his existence and be able to confine her. Well... successfully. 

He furrowed his brow before grabbing his paint brush and floating up. Error blinked and watched him, but made no attempt to follow. Ink stared around. He snapped his fingers, the top of his brush becoming highlighter yellow. He drifted around. 

He reached out with his brush and tapped a paper, lighting it up neon yellow. 

"Have to be strong..." He muttered to himself, spinning in mid-air. 

He highlighted another paper.

"They have to know me..." He continued quietly, pausing for a moment. 

Another paper. 

"And they have to be capable of... capturing her..." He finished his soft rambling as he reached out once more, highlighting another. He snapped his fingers and immediately, the color pulled itself off of the papers before forming packets of paper, explaining the AU. He collected the four packets and brought them back down to the bottom of the Doodle Sphere. 

He laid the packets on the ground, flipping through them. Error picked one up. He furrowed his brow before turning to the rest of them, reading the names. He paused at one of them and pointed, absolutely baffled. 

"R-R-R-Really??" He asked in shock. Ink nodded. Error was absolutely confused. The other packets made sense, but that one? That one seemed out of place. He reached out and picked it up before dropping it in disgust. It was sticky and sweet-smelling. He hated it already. He sighed and looked at Ink. "Really?" 

"You'd be surprised. That place... That place is SWEET..." He looked dead serious before breaking down, laughing at his own pun. Error set the packet down. Why had he agreed to be here? He jumped as Ink shook one of the packets and chess pieces began to fall out from the pages. 

"Squid!" Error said in irritation. Ink blinked and looked up at him, completely oblivious. 

"What?" He asked, tipping his head. One of his eyes had become a question mark. Error sighed and instead shuffled away to sit a few feet away. He shook his head. All this needless stuff... Ink shuffled around before pausing. "I wonder..." He drifted up and located one of the older AU's before copying it as well. He brought it down and Error notes that it was noticeably thicker than the other packets. He furrowed his brow. 

Error blinked as he made out the title before going still. He was incredibly uneasy about that one. Ink seemed to notice and nodded. He placed it on the ground, causing a layer of dust to rise from it. "I know, but we need to consider EVERY option." 

Error nodded slowly. Finally, Ink stood up, calling his brush to his hand as he grinned. "Alright!" He said. Error began to stand up, but Ink shook his head. He shoved the packets to him. "No, it's better if I ask them alone." Error began to protest before Ink stared at him desperately. He sighed and nodded, plopping back down. 

"Thanks, Glitchy!" Ink said, bouncing up. He waved to the other. "I'll be back!!" He disappeared up into the spegere and Error stayed at the bottom, huffing. 

...Why did he even like that guy...? 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now