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The skeleton stumbled out into the snow, leaving behind the thumping beat of the club behind him. He wrapped his purple vest around him, covering his bony neck with turquoise fluff. He sighed, pulling up black skinny jeans. Purple eyes scanned the clearing. Well, of course no one was out here. He sighed and shivered. He closed his eyes, momentarily relieved from the smell of booze and... other things. He rubbed his ribs, flinching at the bruises. These monsters were ROUGH.

He blinked as he heard someone walking. He looked towards the entrance to town. A newcomer? He turned towards the entrance, rubbing his shoulder. He tipped his head as a figure emerged from the woods. He stopped in surprise. "A human?" He asked quietly to himself in shock. The human had already passed through. "How long was I in there...?" He murmured to himself. Was it the next RESET? He tucked his hands into his pockets and cautiously approached the figure. "Hello..." He purred, getting close to them. The figure stopped. The skeleton was momentarily taken back.

"I'm not here for that kind of thing, Lust."

Lust stopped and blinked at the human as they spoke. The human was female. "What?" He asked, taken back. He watched as a pale, freckled hand reached up and pulled the yellow-furred red hood back. Grey, dead eyes blinked down at him. A freakishly tight rope was around her throat and Lust shivered. "Hey... that looks like... you're a little TIED up..." Lust chuckled nervously, actually concerned for the human. He reached out and the human raised a hand, shaking her head. He yelped as she suddenly reached out and grabbed him. "Hey!" She reached down and lifted his shirt, provoking purple blush. "What are you-"

Lust watched as the human reached out and her pale hand lit up a terrifying red. He gasped as she touched his ribs. It hurt! He started to struggle, his gaster blaster beginning to form behind him. He blinked as he realized something. The pain was lifting. Was she...? He stopped. She was healing him. He blinked up at her as she slowly released him. He took a step back, the beginnings of the gaster blaster dispersing. "A little warning would've been nice, human!" He exclaimed, crossing his arms.


"What?" He asked, taken back.

"My name... it's Scooter..."

Lust blinked at her. It was an odd name. "Why Scooter?" He asked, tipping his head curiously. He'd never met this human before. They weren't the one that usually came through. Even now, he noticed parts of her body glitching in and out of existence, like she wasn't really there.

"I... don't remember my real name..."

Her voice was dull and monotonous. Lust instinctively took a step closer and was shaken by a wave of pain that swept out from her. He shuddered, his eyes wide. Scooter blinked calmly at him. He gulped and looked down. "Uh... you want anything...? A bite to eat?" Lust tried to communicate with the human awkwardly. He didn't understand why this was so hard. Then, he realized. He'd never actually had to COMMUNICATE with anyone. It was usually short greetings and long sex. He gave an awkward smile and Scooter reached out. Lust flinched before he realized Scooter was just rubbing his head. He blushed.

"I... suppose..."

She dipped her head and Lust blinked. He turned and beckoned her along with his shoulder. "I... suggest you stay close to me." Scooter blinked before nodding and Lust jumped as he blinked and she was suddenly closer. He turned and led her back into Grillby's. Immediately, they were surrounded by head-throbbing music and flashing lights. Silhouettes danced on the poles and monsters hooted.

Finally, they both reached the bar in the back and Lust snapped his fingers. "Hey, Grillby!" The man made of flame turned from behind the counter. His flames were yellow with turquoise tips. He wore a fishnet shirt. He tipped his head and gestured behind Lust. Lust glanced back to Scooter. She had fallen behind him, monsters shying away from her. She continued forward, before stopping next to Lust. She sat on the bar stool. She rested her arms against the counter. Lust beckoned to him and Grillby leaned down. "Whatever food you have, can you get it to her?" He asked Grillby softly. "She's had a rough time, just looking at her."

Grillby nodded and turned away. Lust thanked him before turning to Scooter. He crossed his legs. "Sorry about the environment." He said, shrugging sheepishly. "I take it that this isn't your type of area." He chuckled. Scooter blinked and Lust blinked too as he noticed a glint in her eyes, staring around.

"No... this is... familiar to me..."

Lust blinked at her in surprise. They both looked up as Grillby set down a burger. He nodded to Scooter, who thanked him quietly. Grillby moved away as Scooter stared down at the meal. "Are... you not hungry?" Scooter sighed and turned to him.

"I... cannot eat this without removing... my rope..."

Lust stared at her in dismay. He gulped and scooted closer. "Is it bad...?" He asked softly. Scooter turned to look at him.

"Maybe... for you... and if you... are not a fan of blood..."

Lust froze and gulped. He beckoned for her to follow him and they went to the back with the food. Lust settled them both in the very last booth, away from everyone. Lust watched as she sighed and reached up, beginning to untie the rope. He flinched at a sudden cracking sound before stifling a shriek as Scooter's entire head twisted to the side.

He covered his mouth as she used one hand to lift her head and put it back in place. She sighed and began to eat. Every time she gulped, blood would spill out from her mouth and her neck wound would spatter blood. Lust turned away until he heard the crunching stop. He turned back and watched as Scooter sighed before her entire form seemed to glitch and all the blood disappeared. She tied the rope back around her neck and tightened it before picking up the plate. He stared at her.

"Thank you..."

She glitched over to the counter and handed the plate to Grillby, who seemed shocked. She glitched back over to Lust before grabbing him and they both teleported outside. Lust blinked up at her. She rubbed his head again and sighed.

"Thank you... for the meal..."

Lust was speechless as she turned and seemed to rip a hole into the very air. The Omega Timeline. Lust blinked as she moved through and waved goodbye before the hole closed. Lust blinked and waved after her.

"Brother?" Lust blinked and looked back at Papyrus. Papyrus leaned in the doorway, tipping his head. "What're you doing outside?"

"I..." Lust blinked before turning to him shrugging. "I think I just made a friend WITHOUT benefits..." Papyrus seemed surprised as Lust smiled. "And I'm not even disappointed!"

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now