First Move

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The pieces clicked across the board quietly. The skeleton sighed. He wore a white collared shirt and a black vest under a black, blue-cuffed coat. He reached out with one skeletal finger and pushed another black piece forward on the board. His opponent showed no reaction to this. She reached out with a pale hand and touched one of the white pieces. The piece immediately glitched and faded to grey. She moved hers forward as well.

They were in Snowdin Forest, playing their game of chess at the skeleton's sentry station. The skeleton kept a chuckle to himself. There was no way she could beat him at himself. Chess sighed, a cloud of breath billowing into the air. The button that Ink had given him was placed off to the side. He'd already pressed the black side, signaling he hadn't caught the human he was playing with.


She looked up at him with those dull, grey eyes as Chess moved another piece. "You know I wouldn't sell you out, right?" He was unsure in his tone and Scooter blinked slowly before taking a deep breath to speak.

"Are you... asking if I trust you?"

Chess blinked before looking down, some bright blue blush lighting up. He messed with one of his pieces. Scooter blinked at him before Chess sighed.

"I suppose I am... Don't lose your cool... I'm just CHECKing..." Chess chuckled as he moved his piece into the right position to back up his pun. Scooter tipped her head and moved her piece, undoing the threat. She sighed softly, releasing red mist.

Chess continued to play before glancing up at her curiously. "Scooter. In this game, what piece are you?" He asked. Scooter blinked slowly. She seemed to be thinking, even though her face didn't change at all. Finally, she spoke quietly.

"The red checker."

Chess was taken back before laughing quietly. "Scooter, I'm talking about a game of chess!" He exclaimed, grinning. Scooter blinked slowly before moving her lifeless gaze up to him.

"I know."

Chess' smile faded and he glanced to the side of the counter, where a lone red checker piece was off to the side, gathering dust. He stared at it in dismay. "Scooter-" He began. She shook her head.

"I don't belong in this game, Chess. I should be part of something completely different, but I'm trapped in a game that isn't mine."

She sighed as she moved another of her pawns.

"I am a checker piece stuck in a game of chess."

Chess stared at her before gulping and looking down, silently regretting that he'd said anything at all. Another piece was moved. Scooter moved another of hers, half of the board now grey and white.

"When does the human return?"

Scooter's question was soft and Chess blinked before shrugging. "I dunno... The kid just kind of shows up whenever." He moved another piece. "Check."

Scooter blinked and moved another piece, compromising his move. Chess blinked and bit his thumb, thinking quietly. He chuckled nervously. "You've gotten better then the last time we played." He praised her with a nervous grin.

"That was years ago... I would hope I'd have gotten better."

Chess blinked before giving a playful grin. "Been practicing since the last time you lost?" He asked teasingly. Scooter blinked and looked up at him. He felt his grin falter nervously. She blinked before shaking her head.

"I haven't touched a single chess piece since I've seen you."

Chess blinked. "What?! I don't believe that for a second!" He snorted, moving another piece. Scooter nodded quietly. For a moment, he saw Scooter's lip twitch upwards on one side. He huffed. "You're definietly laughing at me." He stated flatly. Scooter's face twitched before an eyebrow raised.

"Not at all."

Her voice was emotionless, but Chess crossed his arms. "Oh, come on!" He said, rolling his eyes. "You're lying to me."


"What?!" He cried, looking down. He stared at the board, biting his thumb as he tried to think. Finally, he moved a piece. He drew his bony hand away and he heard Scooter scoff quietly before immediately realizing his mistake. "OH! WAIT! NO-"


Scooter stated it quietly and Chess groaned, rolling off his chair onto the snowy floor of the sentry station. "Geez... I never thought you'd BEAT me!!" He exclaimed. Scooter blinked and leaned over the counter to stare down at him.

"Are you alright...?"

"All left, actually." Chess stated, holding up his left hand. He chuckled and sat up. Scooter blinked at him, her face unchanging. "I know you're laughing on the inside." Scooter blinked aagain and Chess smiled. "I'd ask for a rematch, but you definitely shouldn't stay for too much longer."

Scooter nodded quietly, but didn't move. Chess immediately crossed his arms and bit his thumb. "You okay, Scooter? Something wrong?"

"One can't help but wonder what Ink's idea for me is..."

She sounded like she was pondering. Chess stared at her. He didn't want to force any decisions. He trusted that Scooter would make the one that helped her. He leaned against the counter, continuing to bite his thumb. "I... have confidence you'll make a good decision." He stated slowly.

Scooter blinked at him, her dead eyes seeming to actually acknowledge him. She nodded slowly.


She didn't sound quite as sure as he did. Chess sighed and laid on one of his arms. "Listen, Scooter. I'm the Judge for a reason. I wouldn't lie and say that I have confidence in you if I really don't." He said quietly. Scooter's eyes raised to him once again. "I believe you're smart enough to make good decisions, but I know you're still human enough to make mistakes... But I believe in you nonetheless."

Scooter blinked at him before sighing, red mist leaving her mouth. Chess snapped his fingers and appeared in front of her, looking up. "Hey." She looked down at him and he gave her a smile. "C'mon... I'm rootin for ya, kid..." Scooter blinked and his grin widened as he saw some green spread back into her grey eyes and he chuckled. "There you are..."

He held his arms out and Scooter knelt down, hugging him. He patted her back before she pulled away, sighing.

"Thank you..."

"Anytime..." Chess said, nodding. She stood up, the green being swallowed by the grey. "Keep running if you need to. But seriously." He gave her a warning look. "You can't stay here. You should get going..." Scooter blinked before noting this and nodding. She turned away, pulling her hood up and Chess smiled as she ripped a hole in the air.

He waved after her and grinned. Without turning, Scooter raised her own hand in farewell before disappearing into the hole, it stitching itself up behind her.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now