Good Times

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The skeleton clicked his jaws as he waited. The only sound, was the sizzling of his cigarette. He was waiting. No, he was not going to give the human the familiarity or comfort of the Judgement Hall. If they wanted to finish the game, they'd have to come find him. 

He sat in Snowdin. Behind him, something heavy landed with a thump and he nodded slowly. According to his gaster blaster, the human was on their way. He scowled, his golden tooth glinting in the light. His black and yellow hoodie hung on his thin frame, the furry hood pulled up. A spiked red dog collar was around his neck with a short chain. No one to hold it. The chain dangled limply in front of his orange sweater. Orange magic floated from his one eye. How dare that human. They thought they could just come in here and destroy everything? His gaster blaster disappeared behind him and he sighed. His breath made a soft whistling noise through his teeth, escaping into the cold air in clouds . He thought of how pissed his brother would be if he didn't even attempt to avenge him. 

He paused as he took another long drag on his cigarette. Those were footsteps. There was no way the human was back from Toriel's castle yet. He raised an eye from underneath his furry hood to see a figure. He knew who it was. He moved the cigarette from his mouth and sighed, blowing out smoke. "You've arrived at a bad time..." He stated quietly. The figure seemed unbothered. "Scooter." She sighed. 

"I'm well aware, Slim." 

Slim. What a nickname. He knew Swap Papyrus was Stretch. Why was he Slim again? He didn't remember. Nor did he care. He sighed. "Long time, no see. But I should probably speak to you later. You can just wait back at the house until the next RESET." He said, shrugging. Scooter nodded quietly. She didn't move and Slim blinked at her. "Preferably now. Y'know, since the human is on their way." 

"How annoying..." 

The monotone way she said it, made it seem like she was merely dismissing it, but Slim could sense actual annoyance beneath her statement. He rested his elbows on his knees. "Something bothering you? Y'know... besides the obvious..." He gestured to her. Clearly meaning the fact that she was still alive. He chuckled. "Don't tell me you're finally becoming bored." 

Scooter pulled back her hood and he stared in dismay at her glassy eyes. The orange tips were almost gone. He sighed. She inhaled shakily and sighed. 

"Not... bored... but... tired, is more the word." 

Slim sighed and nodded, closing his eyes. "I hear that." He said, blowing out smoke. Scooter sighed and glitched to the ground, sitting quietly across from him. "Well, if you're gonna stay, you may as well fight the human instead of me." 

It was meant to be a joke, but Scooter seemed less than amused as she raised her head. 

"Then, the fight would never end." 

She sounded absolutely hopeless and Slim sat up. "Listen, I know. That was supposed to be a joke." He said, huffing. Scooter blinked at him before turning away and staring at the ground. 


She let out a weak, emotionless laugh. Slim felt his own soul waver a little. He looked away and they both sat in the cold silence. Finally, Scooter inhaled shakily. 

"I had a realization, Slim." 

Slim blinked and looked over at her, tipping his head. He removed the cigarette with bony fingers as he spoke. "And what's that...?" 

"I'm... not a very powerful enemy..." 

Slim furrowed his brow. "That... sounds incorrect." He stated flatly. Scooter was one of the hardest enemies to fight. It was honestly ridiculous. Scooter shook her head. 

"Sans brought it to my attention last time I was here. He said that I wouldn't be a very hard opponent. My only problem is that I cannot die. And THAT, is what makes me such a powerful enemy. On my own, I would barely be a problem." 

Slim seemed to think about this before sighing and leaning back against a snow bank. "As always, m'lord is probably right. If any of us had the power that you do-" 

"How could you even think of it as a power?" 

Slim stopped. Scooter's voice was shaking. Tears had started down her face from emotionless, dead eyes. She pulled her knees to herself. 

"Not being able to die, is not POSITIVE. It doesn't enable me. I don't WANT to be a powerful enemy. I don't WANT to be the strongest. I don't WANT to be the hardest person to fight." 

Scooter buried her head in her arms as she shook quietly. Her next words held pain. A kind of pain that made Slim's chest hurt when he heard it. 

"I just want to die. You don't understand. It hurts to breathe. It hurts to think. It hurts to move. It... it just hurts to EXIST..."

Slim sighed and stood up, walking over to her. "It must be pretty hard. I wish i could say I understand since I relive the same day over and over, but I at least get the temporary release of death before it starts over again." He looked down, his cigarette tapping against his pants. "I wish any of us could help you." 

"So do I." 

Scooter's voice was quiet and shook softly. Slim stared at her in dismay. He couldn't even imagine the feeling she had. Watching new worlds form around her everyday, every minute. But not a single one was for her. And the world that had been hers... or... WOULD have been hers, didn't need her anymore. He placed a hand on her arm, trying to provide some kind of comfort. "I'm sure you didn't come here to reflect on your existence, Scooter. So why'd you come to Fellswap?" 

Scooter blinked, the last of her tears glitching away as she lifted her head. Her face was still unchanging and she stared at the ground for a few moments. 

"I'm running from Ink."

Slim blinked. The AU Guardian? Why? He furrowed his brow and opened his mouth, but before he could ask, Scooter continued to speak.

"I know he wants to help. But everything he does, just causes me more pain. I don't WANT any more pain... I have enough..." 

Slim sighed. "That's rough, Scooter. But what if something he does helps?" Scooter blinked and looked up at him before speaking dryly. 

"I doubt it." 

Slim stared at her and she lowered her head, sighing. He jumped as she cringed, screwing her eyes shut and shivering before the grey in her hair swallowed up the orange tips. She sighed and a grey cloud came out. "You can't lose hope, Scooter. As painful as it is, I feel it's the only thing keeping you walking around." Slim stated. Scooter glanced at him. "C'mon, you know everyone's rooting for you." 

He was taken back by the coldness in her voice as she spoke again. 

"There are approximately 1,010,300 words in the English language, but I could never string enough of them together to properly express how much I don't care anymore." 

Slim felt his heart sink. He knew she had a good reason. Despite all of them believing in her, nothing was changing. Nothing was helping her and each day dragged on for her with more suffering. And none of them knew what to do. 

Scooter blinked and looked up, her melancholy voice returning. 

"They are almost here." 

She stood up and started towards the village of Snowdin, sighing. She turned back to him and and nodded. 

"I'll see you next RESET." 

Slim nodded back as he pushed himself up as well. "Next RESET." He said quietly. Scooter turned away and glitched into thin air. From the direction she'd disappeared, he could see a new figure approaching. He tucked his hands in his pockets. 

The human appeared, knife in hand as they glared at him coldly. He tipped his head. 

"Heya..." He said quietly. "You've been busy." 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now