Birds and Flowers

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"It's a beautiful day outside... birds are singing... flowers are blooming..." The skeleton sighed as he closed his eyes, bathing softly in the warm glow of the Judgement Hall. "On days like this... kids like you..." He opened his eyes to reveal empty dark eye sockets. Immediately, he saw the kid's body freeze and their eyes widen. "SHOULD BE BURNING IN HELL."

And so began another pointless battle. He continued to fight, watching the human. He had done this so many times. He didn't understand. Why wasn't he changing his patterns? Why couldn't he? Every time the human reset, he continued with the same attack. He knew this was absolutely the reason for his inevitable downfall. The human kept learning his pattern. Getting a little farther each time. He scowled. He hated this. He shattered their soul for the fifth time and stared down the hall at the glowing yellow point in the air. He hated that thing... but only on the Genocide Run.

The world shook. The skeleton blinked and stumbled. He stared at the point. "Kid, What are you doing?!" He mumbled to himself, regaining his balance. He sighed as he saw them reappear. They did not seem amused. If anything... He gave a grin. "Heya... that's the look of someone who's died five time in a row." He said, shrugging. They scowled at him.

He shattered them a sixth time. Seventh. Eighth. Ninth. He waited. He silently thanked that each reset meant a renewal in his energy. He knew he'd tire out by the end anyway. He shattered them again.

Somewhere around the 25th time was when something changed. He waited for them to respawn before he heard footsteps. He grinned and turned to look at them, winking. "Heya-" He stopped as something changed. The warm, golden glow of the room was suddenly replaced with a cold, grey static. The entire room went grey and the yellow point where the human would usually respawn was black. He tensed  up. Those weren't the kid's footsteps.

For a brief moment, Sans panicked over the thought that it may be Gaster. He realized the footsteps were farther than he first thought. It couldn't be Gaster. Gaster wasn't solid enough to have footsteps.

Footsteps were coming from the hallway to the Judgement Hall. Where the kid had first come from. The skeleton froze as a figure emerged. This was a human... but not... He was hopelessly confused. He'd never seen THIS human before. At least it wasn't Gaster. But at the same time... Sans knew what Gaster was. He had no idea who this was. He'd NEVER seen them before. It was rare he got to see something new.  The human wore a yellow-furred red hood under a black leather coat. Grey, ripped skinny jeans with a golden chain and black boots. They angled themselves toward him and started walking forward. A bit of nervousness prickled in the skeleton's chest.

The human stopped, right where the kid would stop. It was silent for a moment. Sans was so uneasy. Usually, the human was small. Predictable... A kid. He knew their patterns. This human...? He didn't have a clue. Then, he heard them take a deep, shaky breath and speak in a monotone, dull female voice.

"It's a beautiful day outside..."

The skeleton froze and his eye lit up. Those were his words. Two gaster blasters materialized behind him. "Who are you? I don't believe we've met." He stated. The human nodded. They sounded older than the kid. He watched as they reached up with one of their hands, revealing a variety of large gold rings on pale, freckled fingers. They pulled their hood back to reveal a similarly colored face. Dead, lifeless grey eyes fixed on him. The human's face was framed with long, frizzled grey hair and a rope was tied... uncomfortably tight... around her neck. The skeleton was taken back. This human wasn't a kid at all! She looked in her early 20's... but at the same time... she looked like she could be millions of years old. "Who are you? I'm only asking one more time." He said, shrugging.

The human blinked and tipped her head, making a horrendous scraping and crunching sound from her neck. He watched in shock as she sighed and dust blew out of her mouth. It was stained red.

"My name... is Scooter, Sans."

Scooter? That was a weird- He stopped, realizing something. Immediately, the skeleton tensed up. That was his name. He'd never told her his name!! "How do you know my name?!" He quickly demanded. Scooter blinked at him.

"Why wouldn't I? You're Sans. Sans the Skeleton."

The way she said it in her emotionless, monotone voice made bad feelings fizzle up Sans' spine. He didn't like the way she repeated his EXACT dialogue. Like she'd heard it a million times before. He stared at her. He lowered his hands, dispersing his gaster blasters. "What did you do to the kid?" He asked, glancing behind her at the blackened respawn point.

"I paused their game."

Sans blinked. Paused their....? Was this seriously JUST a game to them?? He glared at her. "Do you think they're just playing a  game!?" He asked angrily. Scooter blinked calmly at him.

"I don't know."

Her voice showed no hint of lying, but it also gave no hint of truth. Sans had never been more uneasy in his life. In any of his lives. He tucked his skeletal hands in his pockets. "What do you want?" He asked reproachfully. She blinked.

"I'm going to be staying here. That means you will see me places. Actually see me. I will be here every reset. I felt it was polite to inform you since you remember each reset."

Sans blinked. "What do you mean by 'actually see' you?" He asked cautiously. Sans was not thrilled at the fact she was staying. Scooter took a step closer and he remained tense.

"Do you... recognize the feeling you get from me?"

Sans stopped before focusing. That was an uncomfortable pressure that reeked of pain. He stopped. He HAD sensed that before. "You've been watching." He said quietly. Scooter blinked before nodding. Sans glared at her. He didn't trust her. Not a single bit. "I get it. Bring the kid back so they can finish the damn Genocide Route." He said sharply. "I expect to talk to you next reset. Do you know where Grillby's is?" Scooter blinked before nodding.

"Of course. I'll see you then."

Scooter turned away and seemed to glitch, disappearing into the air. The world seem to relax without her there, the warm golden glow coming back. It was like her presence alone intimidated even the world's atmosphere. The spawn point blinked yellow once again and Sans looked up to see the kid, ready to fight again. He sighed.

"Alright, kiddo." He stated. His eye lit up. "Let's get this over with."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now