The Tamed Wolf

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"You stupid mutt! Get up!!" Slim blinked open his eyes to the screechy sound of his brother's voice. He sighed and sat up, rubbing his eyesocket. He jumped as his brother slammed his hand on the wooden counter of the sentry post. He growled, his blue eyes blazing. Slim blinked. Scooter always had nicknames for everyone. What was it she'd called his Sans? Cherry...? Yeah, that sounded right. Slim smiled to himself. How cute of a name for such a violent monster.

"Stars!! You're so useless!!" Cherry hissed through pointed teeth on his jaws. Slim blinked and stood up. He was very clearly taller than the other. Cherry scowled, the triple-clawmark down one of his eye sockets catching Slim's attention. He was dressed in black, torn outfit, a skull detailing the buckle on his belt. He wore his ripped black skinny jeans and red boots. Something was missing... "Are you listening?! Help me!" Cherry snapped as he held out his torn red scarf.

Slim sighed and reached out. "Apologies, m'lord." He was honestly so relieved. Just a few minutes ago, the human had killed him in the Genocide Run. Now, his brother was back and that was all Slim really wanted. "Please turn, m'lord." Cherry scowled and crossed his arms as he turned away. Slim stared at the scarf. So Cherry was going red today? That seemed appropriate. His Sans only tended to dress in three different colors. Bright blue, purple, or red. He lifted the scarf around Cherry's head, tying the the knot delicately.

Cherry turned back, huffing as he fixed it. He wore the scarf like a bandanna in the front, letting the rest hang out the back. Slim stared at him before Cherry seemed to notice. He crossed his arms before he scowled and reached up, yanking Slim down by the chain attached to his collar. "Staring is RUDE, you mutt." He hissed.

Slim blinked and nodded as he turned his head away. "Of course. Sorry, m'lord." Honestly, He was just happy that hi brother was back, remembering that the human had slain him without mercy. He shuddered, his one orange eye lighting up momentarily as he remembered the sight of his botther's dusting, decapitated body. He snapped back to reality at the sharp, annoyed sound of his brother banging the counter again.

"Don't fall asleep! If a human passes, I will rip out your rib cage-" And make a piano out of it, Slim thought to himself as lowered his head. "-and make a piano out of it!!" Cherry finished, growling. Nailed it, Slim thought to himself with the smallest hint of a grin on his face. He nodded and ducked his head. "

"Of course, m'lord. Apologies." He drawled slowly. He clacked his teeth together before deciding he needed a cigarette. He'd have to wait until Cherry wasn't looking. He sighed and blinked. "Oh, m'lord. We have a guest back at the house." He said. He knew Cherry didn't know about Scooter. Unlike his counterpart, Fell Papyrus, Cherry was not a frequent visitor of the Omega Timeline, where one would almost immediately hear about her. Cherry stared at him before furrowing his brow and crossing his arms.

"How would you even know that, you lazy mutt?! Is your stupid 'shortcuts' again?!" He snapped. Slim chuckled quietly.

"Got me there, m'lord." He said, tipping his head. Cherry growled before whipping around.

"Well, let's GO!! The Malevolent Sans is NOT one to ignore a guest, unlike his bag of bones brother!!" He called. Slim got up and followed along at a slower pace. He sighed as he watched monsters steer clear of his brother. It was honestly amazing to him. But he knew the real reason. He trudged behind his brother, his eye socket lit up. It wasn't Cherry they were actually scared of.

He approached their house and stopped. Cherry did too. "What the...?" He scowled and stormed forward. Monsters were gathered around their house, staring in through the windows. Slim scowled slightly, taking this opportunity to take out a cigarette. He had to be fast, so he didn't bother taking out a lighter. Instead, his fingertip lit up and set the end ablaze. He dragged in a breath, comforted. "What are you pathetic creatures doing outside my house?!" Cherry roared. Immediately, the monsters scattered. One turned to him, looking down.

"Th-There's someone inside!" He whispered out anxiously. Cherry scowled and threw him aside before shouldering the door open. He turned to look back for Slim. "MUTT!!"

"Coming, m'lord." Slim was calm as he followed his brother. Once they were inside the house, Slim snapped his fingers, sending up bone spikes around the entire house, catching some unfortunate monsters off guard.

Slim sighed as he turned to look at the living room, shutting the door behind him. Cherry stood tensely as he glared at their visitor. "What an odd-looking monster..." Cherry sighed. "Another of my brother's so-called friends?" He sneered, growling. Scooter blinked down at him, her grey eyes unreactive. She blinked and looked up at Slim as he approached. He reached out a hand and she sighed, reaching out with her own. The rings scraped against his bones and he lifted it, kissing her knuckles gently.

"Hello, Scooter." He said, a slow grin making its way across his face. Scooter tipped her head, noticing his game and gladly playing along with it. She reached up and stroked his cheek bone.

"Greetings, Slim."

Her voice was monotone. Next to them, Cherry had his brow furrowed. He snarled and quickly moved between them, forcing them away from each other. "Who the hell do you think you are?!" He spat at Scooter, a red bone forming in one of his hands. He was practically bristling with hostility and Slim smiled. Scooter tipped her head.

"It's a joke, m'lord." Slim assured Cherry with a playful grin. "We're just friends." He looked up at Scooter, who nodded. Immediately, a bit of blue tinted Cherry's cheeks before he scowled. Slim reached out, brushing snow off his brother's shoulder pad before turning to Scooter with a wink. "Sorry for my brother's COLD SHOULDER. He really means well."

"I hate you and your stupid jokes!!" Cherry spat, dissipating the bone as he stormed towards the kitchen. Slim sighed and flopped on the couch. Scooter turned to him. She blinked and reached out a hand. Slim nodded and pulled out another cigarette from his pocket. She knelt down as he used his other hand to pull out the lighter and lit it for her. She stood up, red smoke blowing from her mouth and a bit from her neck.

"I had a realization too, Scooter." Slim said quietly. He tapped his fingers against the lighter before tucking it away. Scooter held the cigarette with pale fingers, glancing at him.

"What is it?"

Slim sighed. "You're running out of options, aren't you? You were already here. I didn't think you'd be coming back." He blew out smoke, watching Scooter. The other's deadened gaze had darkened and he sighed, nodding. "I'm right, aren't I? There aren't any new AUs for you...?" He watched as Scooter blew out more red smoke. She took in a shaky breath.

"They... aren't fully developed. I'll ruin them if I go now."

Slim nodded. "So you're going back through all the ones you've been to?" Scooter once again went silent and Slim nodded. "... I see..." He stood up. "Well, I know you're not gonna stay for long, but you know which one is next." She gave a nod, red smoke billowing from her mouth like fire.


Slim nodded. "And from what I remember, the Sans there... is kind of... how do I put it...? Out of his mind." He stated slowly. Scooter nodded in quiet acknowledgment. She stared at the wall, deep in thought.

"I'll stay until my cigarette is finished."

Her voice was quiet and decisive. Slim blinked in surprise before grinning. "That's understandable." He said, blowing out smoke. He sighed. "Scooter?" She turned to look at him. "Don't lose hope. You'll get it one day. I know you will."

Scooter was silent for a few moments before her body suddenly glitched, sending a horrendous snapping sound through the house as her head snapped to the side. Slim's eyes were wide as he gripped the couch.

Scooter stared at him, head back in place before she nodded, seeming completely unfazed by what had just happened.

"I hope you're right."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now