Deal or No Deal

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Smoke blew out from the skeleton's mouth as Ink approached him quietly. The skeleton pulled the cigar from his teeth and looked down at the small human next to him. "Go inside, kid." He ordered gently. The little human nodded before disappearing into the building behind him. The skeleton turned back to Ink, an eye lit up underneath his fedora. He wore a collared shirt under a button-up vest and dress pants with dress shoes.

"So... what's your issue for bein' here?" The other skeleton drawled. Ink stared at him. The skeleton was annoyed by Ink's bright colors and sometimes optimistic attitude, seeing the dark and dank buildings stretching up around him. Ink sighed.

"I have a problem. And it could affect you." He stated. The skeleton paused. He blew out a cloud of smoke and nodded.

"Elaborate." He said slowly. Ink nodded.

He began to explain the tragic tale of Scooter, recapping all her events up until this point. "...and if she comes here, she'll attempt to have you try to kill her. But I need her captured, so I can test something on her." He finished. The other skeleton had listened with a quiet expression. Finally, he spoke.

"And what's in it for me?" He asked raspily. Ink's eyes went red for a moment and he spoke in a serious tone that was often unlike the goofy AU Guardian.

"The safety of your universe and everyone you love." He answered, scowling a bit. The skeleton seemed to consider this, tapping bony fingers against his cigar. "And I'm sure you don't want Little Pup dying because of something you could have prevented." Immediately, the skeleton's grip tightened on his cigar.

"Don't you bring them into this." He warned darkly, his eyesockets lighting up blue. Ink stared back at him.

"I won't. But she might." Ink kept this somber stare on the other skeleton. "Do we have a deal?" He held out his hand and the other skeleton stared at it with another puff of smoke. Finally, he sighed and reached out, shaking Ink's hand.

"How do I contact you once I got her?" He asked gruffly. Ink raised an eyebrow. Bold of the other to assume that they would naturally just catch Scooter. Ink formed a neon yellow button with his ink and handed it to him.

"Press that. It'll light up and indicate to me that you were successful. And if you flip it over..." The other side of the button was jet-black. "That will tell me that you have failed." He backed away. The skeleton huffed and tucked the button in his pocket.

"Unlikely that we'll fail." He stated. It wasn't like he was trying to be cocky. Typically, him and his brother succeeded when tasked with these kinds of things. And the fact they didn't have to even kill her? They had it in the bag. Ink stared at him before his gaze darkened.

"Don't underestimate her. Scooter is incredibly unpredictable. She'll use whatever she can to try and end her suffering. Even if that means manipulation." Ink said. He'd seen it before after all. Scooter was becoming desperate. And that, in itself, was terrifying enough.

They both blinked as wetness dropped on them. It was beginning to rain. Ink blinked and formed an ink umbrella. The other skeleton backed up so he was standing under the ledge of the brick apartment building. "We'll catch her." He said casually. He furrowed his brow. "And I expect repayment if she manages to cause significant damage."

Ink blinked before nodding. "Of course. I can repair anything you need." He promised. The skeleton sighed before nodding.

"Then our talk is finished." He said decisively. He was always uneasy around the AU Guardian. Considering Ink knew EVERYTHING about EVERYONE. He hated that. He was also uneasy with the fact that Ink was actually emotionless and relied on colored paint to feel emotion. A being without emotion was a being without regret. And that... was extremely dangerous. He blinked. Scooter was that kind of being. He'd have to prep his brother and Little Pup.

Ink nodded. He turned and disappeared into the rain, leaving the skeleton by himself to stare at a disappearing black puddle on the ground. He sighed and blew out more smoke. He blinked as he heard the door squeak open behind him and turned. The little human from before peered our at him. They were wondering if he was going to come in. Inside, the skeleton could hear his brother singing and the smell of spaghetti drifted out.

The skeleton smiled reassuringly. "I'll be right in. Give me a minute to finish my cigar. Y'know how Paps is about me smoking in the house." He said. The little human nodded and disappeared back inside, leaving the skeleton thinking. He'd need a strategy if this... Scooter was so dangerous. He furrowed his brow.

The skeleton stared out over the wet pavement before closing his eyes and listening to the patter of rain.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now