The Undying

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The monster ran through the grassy fields of Waterfall, armor clanking. She scanned the area with a sharp eyes, the other hidden under a dark eyepatch. She blinked and looked up at the sound of an explosion. Down on one of the lower ledges, she saw smoke rising. She whipped out her hand and a bright blue spear materialized. She gripped it before growling. Multiple monsters had reported sounds of an intense battle going on. But the weirdest thing had been the report of gunshots.

The monster ran forward and skidded to a stop on a cliff, overlooking one of the lower ledges. Her pupil narrowed. That door that was always sealed in the corner of Waterfall had been blown open, smoke coming from its opening. Chunks of rock and debris surrounded the clearing in front of it. The monster scowled before pulling on her helmet. She leaped down and her boots cracked the stone. She analyzed the situation. She couldn't see anything but smoke. All of a sudden, a small skeleton came running out of the smoke, coughing. Immediately, she dropped her spear and took off her helmet as she caught him.

"Sans!" She spoke in a tough, scratchy voice. "What's going on?! Are you okay?! Is there anyone else?!" The smaller monster looked up before something bright red suddenly whizzed past her, slicing her cheek. She hissed, yanking back. "OW!! What the hell!!" She turned to see a bullet hole in the rock behind her. She whipped back around to the smoke. It was beginning to clear.

Sans shook her urgently. "Undyne! You gotta get out of here!" He said, his eye sockets wide. Two figures were facing each other in the clearing. Undyne's eyes widened. One was a monster, a skeleton that looked like it had been melted. It had eight skeletal hands orbiting around it, all of the palms with a circle carved in them. It shot out black, shadowy tentacles and impaled the figure in front of it.

Undyne flinched at the crunch and watched as the impaled figure was lifted off the ground and flung into the rock wall, leaving a spatter of maroon liquid. "Blood... it's a human!!" Undyne cried. Another one?! This one didn't like nearly as friendly as the smaller one. It was female and pale, with freckles. Long, frizzled grey hair with orange tips and a feverish, red glow in grey eyes. She had a black leather coat tied around her waist. Red hoodie with yellow fur on the hood, underneath a black sweatshirt. Black boots and grey jeans. Rings were on her fingers and multiple piercings glinted on her ears. Parts of her seemed to glitch in and out of existence.

Blood trickled from her open mouth as she panted. She looked older than the other human. She had large holes in her chest and stomach. A ribbon was tied tightly around her neck. Undyne watched as she glitched to her feet, her wounds gone. She gave a twisted smile. She raised her hand and rows upon rows of glowing red bullets appeared above her, all aimed towards the melting skeleton. Undyne froze. This human could use magic?! She tucked Sans behind her and stood up, another spear materializing in her hands.

"Don't!" Undyne jumped as Sans cried out behind her. It was the loudest she'd ever heard the usually lazy skeleton. She turned back to him. "Don't interfere! Either of them could kill you instantly!" She gave him a crooked, fanged smile.

"I'm not Captain of the Guard for being a coward, Sans!" She exclaimed. He cried out as she pulled her helmet on and launched glowing spears towards both of the fighting two. The goopy skeleton seemed unaffected, simply moving around them like liquid. The human, on the other hand, was not nearly as skillful. She was lifted off the ground and impaled once again, this time through her jaw. Blood gurgled in her throat and poured from her open mouth. Undyne yanked the spears back down and the human dropped. Blood trickled from her wounds before she glitched and was suddenly perfectly fine again.

Undyne stared at her in shock. What?! She turned and blocked a sudden attack from the melting skeleton, who let out continuous, garbled noises, lashing out. The human grinned at her.

"Oh! Hi! Sorry, but I already got an opponent!"

She sounded both enraged and excited. Undyne felt a prick of fear. The human raised her hand before glowing bullets shot towards Undyne, sounding as if they were being shot from an actual gun and some exploding upon impact. Undyne leapt around to avoid them, her eye wide. This human was fast. She jumped as the human was suddenly wrapped in thin, black strings and yanked to the ground.

The melting skeleton had caught her. Undyne watched in shock as the human began to be dragged towards him. She scowled and her pale fingers gripped the strings. She stomped her boot to the floor and pushed herself up, yanking the melting skeleton forward. Undyne jumped as a bone suddenly shot up from the ground, breaking the strings off of the human. She turned to look back at Sans, who'd raised his hand, eyes wide.

She turned back. That meant the human was the good guy if Sans was fighting for her. Undyne scowled and turned on the melting skeleton. She scooted over next to the human and gave a quick apology, offering her hand. The human blinked and looked up at Undyne. Undyne was momentarily taken back by what appeared to be a red outline shadowing the human. A piercing, glowing smile was also on the outline's face, mirroring the human's own. The human blinked at her before reaching up and taking Undyne's hand. The rings were the same temperature as the human's hand. Cold.

Undyne pulled her up. "You gotta be good if that lazy punk is fighting for you!" Undyne said to her. The human blinked at her before her red gaze moved past her to Sans. Undyne felt a sudden uncomfortableness as she looked into the human's eyes. The glow was bright and lively, but the eyes themselves were dull and glassy. Undyne blinked. This human's eyes were dead. The human's lips twitched before a grin crossed her face. In an instant, it disappeared and she whipped around. Undyne watched as the human faced a gigantic gaster blaster, summoned by the melting skeleton. "HUMAN-!" Undyne roared. She'd seen those before and they caused SERIOUS damage. She was cut off as the gaster blaster went off and the human's body was enveloped in white light. It lessened and the human staggered, her front burnt, black, and crispy.

Undyne was in shock as the human continued to stand. Ash was falling round her. The human glitched before she was suddenly fine again. Undyne didn't know what this human was doing, but she liked it. She let out a cry and sent out spears, the glowing points cracking up from the ground towards the melting skeleton. Undyne gave a fanged smile and the spears formed a circle around the skeleton. The melting skeleton let out a garbled noise. To Undyne's surprise, the human chuckled.

"Oh, honey, she didn't miss."

The melting skeleton's eyes widened and the human raised her hand. A pillar of glowing bullets appeared over the trapped monster. The human smiled before they all came down at once. Undyne yelped as she was blasted back by the explosion, her spears becoming obliterated. She blinked as she peered towards the light, pinned against the rock wall by the blast. The human stood, seeming unaffected. Unmoving. Like a wall.

The light faded and Undyne struggled up. From the smoke, there was a screeching/squealing noise as two of the melting skeleton's hands tackled the human, wrapping around her throat. They slammed her against the wall and the human gave a wicked smile, blood already gushing from her mouth. Her teeth were stained red. She reached up and grabbed both of the skeletal hands.

"You... won't... stop me... like that!!"

The human growled and there was a shriek as the slightly more disheveled-looking, melting skeleton reappeared. Her knuckles were white as she let out a gurgling laugh. The melting skeleton flinched as there was a loud cracking noise. To Undyne's shock, the skeletal hands holding the human's throat were starting to fracture under her grip. Finally, she broke them and dropped to the ground, dusty bone shards clattering around her. Undyne had a stinging realization as the silhouette shadowing the human glowed. That red glow, was the human's DETERMINATION.

Undyne blinked, startled that the human had enough of it that it was almost able to take on its own form. The melting skeleton tried to desperately pin the human again, her breaking each hand with her own. She continued to stalk towards him. Finally, the monster collapsed on the ground and the human giggled deliriously as she stood over it. She raised her hands and bullets surrounded the unfortunate monster, spinning and orbiting.

"It's over, Doctor!"

Doctor? Undyne jumped as bright blue string suddenly ensnared the human's entire body. What were those?! She blinked and started to turn as she thought she heard Sans' voice scream out. "PAUSE!!" Before Undyne could question anything, she heard a fizzle and her vision went black.

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