Something Stolen

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The black skeleton reappeared in his void, sighing. He was somewhat annoyed that his talk with Nightmare had been interrupted by outside conflict. How annoying. He paused for a moment before looking up, his glitched eyes wide. "B-B-Blue??" He asked, his voice whining, glitching and stretching. There was no answer from the white space. That was unusual. Usually, the first thing he'd see was the other skeleton's small, grinning face. He began to move around. "Blue!!" There was still no answer. The skeleton was immediately panicked. Suddenly, he blacked out. He came back a moment later, having had to reboot. The errors all over his body glitched and he stared around. Where was Blue?!

Error stopped as his eyes landed on something and he immediately glitched over to it, his brow furrowed. "Wh-wha-What....?" He said, lifting one of his skeletal hands. These strings... These were the ones that had held Blue's soul. He felt his breathing hitch. The strings were limp and torn. Blood stained them. He was shaken. A human's blood. What human came in and took his... his...? Error stopped for a moment.

What even was Blue to him? He paused and furrowed his brow again. Pet? No, definitely not. Blue talked far too much for that... Henchman? No. He didn't really MAKE Blue do anything. Hostage...? Error stopped at an uncomfortable feeling in his chest. He didn't like the sound of that. What had Blue called it?? He furrowed his brow as he thought quietly to himself. It was a... a... friend.

"Friend." Error echoed quietly. What human came in and took his FRIEND?! Error scowled. How would he even be able to find the other?! "BLUE!!" He yelled, even though it was clear that Blue wasn't there. Error shivered as he stared around the empty space. The only other things here were strings. He gulped. All of a sudden, he jumped as he heard a splat and whipped around, ensnaring whoever it was. He heard a loud clatter and blinked, already knowing exactly who it was.

Ink seemed surprised as he blinked at Error, ensnared in bright blue strings. He'd dropped his brush. Ink smiled at him. Error was confused. Why did Ink look so relieved? "Hi Glitchy!" The other said, giggling a bit. Error felt his face heat up at the nickname and scowled. He released Ink and turned away.

"What do you w-w-w-want, Squid?" He stated. He heard Ink giggle at the nickname. He glanced back and noticed the slight, multicolored blush on the other's face. "I'm b-b-busy at th-th-the-the moment." He realized something and turned back to Ink.

"Do YOU know wh-wh-where Blue is?" Ink seemed surprised before his face suddenly flickered to a new emotion that Error hadn't seen on Ink. Fear...? Error stopped, turning around completely. "Squid?"

"I... I haven't seen him." Ink stated quickly. Error immediately scowled and stretched his hands out, ensnaring Ink once again and yanking him close. He leaned in and tried to avoid looking at Ink's sudden deep blush.

"Don't lie t-t-t-to me." He stated angrily. Ink blinked and avoided his gaze. "Where is he??" All of a sudden, Ink's eyes flicked up as there was a noise and there it was. Fear. But it was much more prominent this time.

"Error?? What are you doing?!" Immediately, Error released Ink at the sound of Blue's voice  and turned. He froze.

Blue stared at him in dismay and fear. Error was taken back. "B-B-Blue?? Your eye!! What happened?" One of Blue's bright eyesockets was empty. Blue raised a hand to it, seeming confused before his eyes widened and he looked down. Error glitched over to the other. Blue gulped and looked up at him. Error reached out and Blue flinched. Error didn't know how to fix this. He scowled. "Squid!"

Ink was next to his side. "Yes?" He blinked as he saw Blue's eye. "Oh! I got it, don't worry!" He took out his brush and it shrunk to become the size of a normal brush. Ink leaned down in front of Blue. "Alright, Blue. I need you to hold still. It'll feel weird, but I won't hurt you." Blue gulped and nodded, one of his gloved hands moving out to hold Ink's wrist. He was shaking.

Error watched them. What had happened to Blue?! How had he gotten free? What had happened  to his face? He had so many questions. He jumped, glitching out a bit as Ink stood. "Done!" He turned to the side and Blue blinked at Error with both eyes once again. Error sighed in relief as Ink's brush returned to its normal size.

He grudgingly turned to Ink. "Thanks... Squid." He stated. Ink seemed surprised before giggling and breaking out into a full laugh. Error felt his face heat up. Ink leaned in teasingly with a huge smile.

"Of course, Glitchy! INKything for you!" He broke down, laughing at his own stupid joke. Error saw Blue sigh and cover his face. He knew Blue hated puns. Error was bright yellow with blush and scowled. He shook his head, wanting to address the more important matter.

"Where did you g-g-g-go?!" He pushed Ink aside to glare at Blue. Blue gulped and looked down.

"I-I was coming to find you with my friend." He answered softly. His friend? Who was...? Error furrowed his brow.

"How did y-y-y-you get out of m-m-my strings?" He asked, slightly put off. Blue blinked and his eyes widened before he screwed his eyes shut.

"Oh STARS! Don't remind me! That was awful!" Blue said. Error didn't understand. "The human ripped them with her BARE fingers!! There was so much blood everywhere!"

"The h-h-h-human? C-Core? Frisk? Chara?" Blue shook his head with each suggestion. Error didn't understand. Then, he noticed Ink's eyes widened and the other's breath seemed to catch in his throat. Blue blinked.

"There you are!" He blinked at Blue before turning. He saw a figure appear. He scowled and took a defensive position.

"Who the h-h-h-hell are you?!" He spat.

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now