Plan B

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Error yelped as him and Ink dropped into the white space. Ink giggled, seeing as he'd landed on his feet and Error hadn't. Error swore as he struggled up. He hated visiting this place. It made him feel weird and twisted. Ink loved this place. Ink blinked and looked around. "Templa-" 

"INK!!" Immediately, an excited, robotic voice cried out. Both of them whipped around as a black skeleton tackled Ink to the ground, his brush clattering a few feet away. The new skeleton grinned excitedly. He had a gigantic pen strapped to his back. A blue scarf adorned his outfit, which was eerily similar to Ink's. He fixed his red glasses before blinking and standing. "Sorry! Sorry, I got really excited to see you!!" 

"I can tell!" Ink said, laughing quietly. The black skeleton, known as Template, offered a gloved hand to Ink. Ink accepted it graciously and Template pulled him up. Template turned and saw Error. Error blinked as the other suddenly froze and his pen dropped. He went into a rebooting mode and Error couldn't help but feel slightly annoyed that Template did this every time they saw each other. Finally, Template came back and grinned nervously, leaning down and picking up his pen again.

"Sorry! I..." He trailed off, not knowing how to apologize. Error rolled his eyes and growled out that it was fine, turning away from Template. He stopped as he saw someone watching. He shivered a bit as the new skeleton moved forward, almost without a sound. He didn't like that one. 

The new skeleton was white, covered in dull, black ink spatters. He controlled ink as well. His hoodie was faded, as was every other article of clothing on his body. He had simple white eyes and an emotionless stature. Error shivered again. This was the skeleton known as Pale. Template's "arch nemesis" or whatever. Even though they were supposed to be enemies, the two just really seemed to be each other's babysitters. 

Pale leaned forward and rested his head over Template's shoulder, closing his eyes. He seemed to rest there and Template seemed unbothered by him as he continued to explain a dramatic retelling of his most recent adventure to Ink. Ink snorted, covering his mouth at how used to each other the two seemed. Error didn't like these two. They were some sort of "reverse" versions of him and Ink. He wasn't a fan of them. 

"So how have you two been?" Ink asked, tipping his head. Template sighed and rolled his eyes in annoyance. 

"He still doesn't get that destroying is bad and it's cost me about thirteen AU's!!" Template said, crossing his arms as he shot an annoyed glare at Pale, who stared back at him, seeming unbothered. Pale continued to rest his head on Template's shoulder. Template huffed, clearly annoyed that Pale didn't seem regretful about his actions. Ink nodded, chuckling as he elbowed Error, who turned and glared at him. 

"Believe me, I know the feeling!" He said, grinning. Error growled and Ink smiled. Template huffed and nodded. "Anyway, I'm here to talk to you about something!"

Template blinked and tipped his head. "What? What is it?!" He asked excitedly. Ink gestures for both him and Pale to sit and Pale sighed as he slowly lowered Template to the ground. Template allowed himself to be pushed down, but continued to ask what this mysterious information was. Error sighed and sat behind Ink, leaning against the other. He closed his eyes, allowing Ink to do the talking. Ink's brush was positioned neatly next to them. Template's pen remained strapped to his back, Pale simply leaning over it to put his head on Template's shoulder. 

Ink began to explain. Pale had closed his eyes by the end of it, while Template was wide-eyed in shock and horror. He lowered his head, his hands gripped together tightly. "That... That is awful..." Template whispered. He was shaking. Pale opened his eyes and reached out, holding Template by his arms. He'd learned that Template shook whenever he was getting over emotional. Template stared at Ink, who nodded. "B-But you caught her, right??" Ink nodded. Error scowled, not liking the fact that something wasn't sitting right with that statement. 

Template gulped and grinned, attempting to recover his heroic cover. "That's Good then! Keep her out of the Multiverse!!" He said, crossing his arms and nodding. Ink sighed before shaking his head. 

"It isn't that simple, Template. We came here, because we figured you'd have an idea on how to deal with someone like her." Ink said, raising his brow as he explained. Template blinked at him, his gaze going blank.

"Why?" He asked, absolutely dumbfounded. He blinked as Ink raised his hand and pointed to Pale. 

"Because she doesn't feel emotion either. Just like Pale." Ink stated. Pale slowly opened his eyes at the sound of his name and lifted his head. He blinked slowly at the other. Ink blinked back at him before nodding. "Yeah! Just like that!" Template blinked in realization. 

"Oh! Well, I don't want to disappoint you, but Pale doesn't know wrong from right either! And I don't know what to do with him!" Template sighed softly. Pale blinked before sitting up next to the other and resting his head on his own knees. Ink furrowed his brow. That... that was a problem. 

"That." Pale's empty, quiet voice startled them both. Pale blinked slowly as he pointed at Ink's vials. Ink blinked and looked up at him. 

"No, I'm definitely not giving you any more of these after what happened last time!" Ink said firmly. Pale shook his head and Template furrowed his brow. After a minute, he snapped his fingers and turned to Ink. 

"No! I got it! I think Pale's trying to give a solution...?" He turned to look at Pale, who shrugged and sighed. Template rolled his eyes. "Whatever. Anyway, I think if you GIVE Scooter emotion, she may realize how this affects those around her!!" Template said, his eyes bright. Ink blinked at him before looking down at the vials. He grinned. 

"That's not a bad idea!!" He said, lighting up. Template jumped and a huge grin spread on his face.

"Really?!" He exclaimed excitedly. Pale remained curled up in a ball next to him, his eyes closed. Ink nodded and stood up, waking Error, who had fallen asleep. Error swore as he fell backwards and glared at Ink. Ink stuck his rainbow-colored tongue out and Error huffed as he got up. Ink turned to Template.

"Thanks a bunch! I'll come back and we can create together sometime!" He said, laughing. Template stared at him in shock before absolute joy radiated off of him as he shot to his feet. 

"That would be AMAZING!!" He cried. Ink smiled and nodded before turning and opening up a hole to the Omega Timeline. 

Ink turned to Error. "C'mon! We left her in X-Tale!" Error snapped that he knew that, because he was there. Ink laugh. 

Error and him disappeared, the hole closing and leaving Template with Pale once again. Immediately, Template turned to Pale and kicked him. "Pale!!" 

Pale slowly opened his eyes to look at Template. Template huffed. "Don't fall asleep in front of guests!! We've been over this!! It's rude!!" Pale blinked and closed his eyes once again, allowing Template to continue scolding him. He sighed. 

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