The Human

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Frisk moved quietly through the Ruins. They were making their way to Toriel's home, the stick gripped tightly in their hands. They were doing a Pacifist Run. They hummed to themselves. All of a sudden, they heard a fizzle. The world seemed to go grey. Everything had color drained from it. Frisk jumped. The player had paused the game! They were able to move around, as long as they ended up in the same place. They left one of their shoes where they'd been before starting to wander around. They blinked and looked over towards the room with the monster candy. There was a figure there. 

Frisk moved over to them, hiding behind the wall. This looked like another human! They watched as the other human's body fizzled. They turned, holding a colorful piece of candy in a pale, freckled hand. Frisk blinked before knocking softly against the wall. The figure looked up and Frisk blinked at them, emerging from behind the wall. 

The figure slowly pulled back their hood. It was another human!! Frisk blinked at them. This woman looked older. Paler. She looked... tired. Frisk was slightly put off by her appearance. She had such dead eyes. And the rope around her neck was awful to look at. Frisk tightened their grip on their stick. The woman approached Frisk and knelt down. Frisk blinked at her. The woman took a breath and it struck Frisk that the woman hadn't been breathing. 

"Hello, little one..." 

Her voice was quiet, broken and monotonous. Frisk blinked and reached out, pausing. Frisk wanted to see if they were a ghost. The other human seemed to understand and she nodded. Frisk continued to reach out and touched the woman's cheek. They pulled heir hand back, wide eyed. The other was so cold!! The other person nodded. Frisk blinked before they jumped and pointed to the other person. The woman blinked and tipped her head. Frisk wanted to know their name. 

"My name is Scooter."

Scooter? Frisk liked her name. They smiled and Scooter blinked at them, going on her knees. Scooter tipped her head, her face unchanging. Frisk smiled again. Scooter sighed and stood. 

"You aren't suppose to see me, Frisk."

Scooter's voice was soft. Almost scolding. Frisk blinked up at them, not understanding at first. Then, they saw her body glitch once again. Frisk understood. This was a glitch in the game. This character wasn't supposed to be here. Frisk blinked and looked down, assuming that this woman knowing their name was just part of their glitch. Scooter sighed. 

Frisk became aware of the feeling that Scooter gave off. It was a deep, heavy, uncomfortable pain. The same pain Frisk would feel when their player decided to go with Chara and do a Genocide Route. They gripped the stick nervously. Then, they jumped and looked up as they felt a hand on their head. Scooter blinked down at them, ruffling their hair. For a moment, there was a hint of green in her grey eyes and her mouth twitched a smile. 

"Look at you..." 

Scooter's monotonous voice held a hint of affection and Frisk felt themselves blush at the unspoken praise. Scooter sighed. 

"I would've been with you... instead of that creature..." 

Frisk blinked, raising an eyebrow before they froze. Scooter was talking about Chara. They blinked, showing clear confusion and Scooter sighed. 

"I would've been the first fallen human and I would've guided you through the game instead of Chara." 

The explanation was brief, but powerful. Frisk couldn't help but take a step back at the thought. Instead of Chara constantly breathing over their shoulder to kill, it would've been Scooter? Frisk blinked and looked up at Scooter, wondering why it wasn't her. Scooter looked into their eyes and seemed to understand their question. Scooter gave a sad smile. 

"I did not survive my fall, Frisk." 

As she finished speaking, Frisk jumped as the rope seemed to fizzle and Scooter's head snapped to the side, revealing blood and bone before everything glitched back to normal. Frisk was wide-eyed. They'd dropped their stick, covering their mouth. Scooter sighed and nodded. 

"I'm sorry you saw that." 

Frisk shook their head, tears in their eyes. They quickly hugged Scooter and Scooter simply blinked down at them before sighing again. She closed her eyes and some orange climbed back into her hair. She hugged Frisk back as the smaller human sobbed into her shirt. Frisk was crying for her. Scooter stroked Frisk's head. Scooter couldn't figure out why. Why would Frisk, who'd never met her before then, cry for her? She couldn't wrap her head around it. 

Finally, Frisk pulled back, wiping their eyes. They thought of something and slowly took out the Faded Ribbon. Scooter blinked. 

"Frisk... the player needs that..." 

Frisk shook their head and pointed up at Scooter's rope. Scooter raised a hand before realizing what it was the human wanted to do. She blinked. 

"I don't think that is wise, Frisk." 

Frisk huffed and held up a hand. Scooter blinked before sighing. She began to untie the rope and Frisk flinched. Scooter released the knot, and her head twisted to the side. She used one hand to put her head back into place as she knelt down. 

Frisk took the rope, it appearing in their inventory as Red-Stained Rope. Frisk beckoned for Scooter to lower her head and Scooter did so. Frisk reached up before tying the Faded Ribbon firmly around Scooter's neck. They tied it off and took a step back before nodding with a smile. Scooter blinked as she slowly removed her hand. The Faded Ribbon kept her head in place! It was tied in the front, making it look like a tightly-tied ascot. 

Scooter touched her hand to it before sighing and looking up at Frisk.

"Thank you..." 

Frisk gave a thumbs-up and giggled. Scooter sighed and held out her hand. Frisk blinked as they received Monster Candy. They took it and smile before eating it quietly. Their HP was restored to 20/20. 

Scooter gave another soft smile before sighing. She stood and nodded. 

"The player will be back soon, Frisk. I have to say goodbye now." 

A small smile was on her face. She reached down and adjusted the rope so it was wrapped around Frisk's body like a sash. Frisksiled happily. Scooter smiled and ruffled Frisk's hair. 

"Go back. They're waiting for you." 

Frisk stared at her and Scooter sighed, turning away as she pulled her hood back up. Frisk pranced back to their spot before waving after Scooter in a silent goodbye. Scooter probably didn't see it. Frisk stopped as Scooter paused.  She held a hand up in farewell. Frisk smiled. 

Finally, the world fizzled again and Scooter was gone, all the color back in the world. Frisk relinquished control to the player again, smiling. Meanwhile, the player wondered why they were fully healed. And why they suddenly had a Red-Stained Rope. 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now