Missing Link

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(Several Years Later)

   It was quiet in the Save Screen. Just like it had been for a while. Geno continued to walk, never sure of his destination, or if he would even reach one. His red scarf flowed behind him, brushing the unseen ground. He pulled it up. It was lonely here. Of course, Reaper would visit him, and maybe even bring other Sanses. Even though he acted like he hated the other, Reaper's company was almost the one thing keeping him sane. His feet hurt. Geno stopped and settled on the ground. He closed his eye, the pixel in front of the other flickering a bit. The dried blood that ran from his mouth was still. He gently clutched the edges of his torn jacket, his bony fingers momentarily dipping into the jagged gash that decorated his chest. When HAD his hoodie become white? He couldn't remember. He stared down at the blood on his slippers blankly.

   There was a noise. Immediately, Geno whipped around, his eye wide and flashing as his gaster blaster materialized behind him. He stopped. A figure stood there. They were eerily still, but even Geno could tell, with a single eye, that they were a human. He scowled. "Heya... you seem a bit lost." He said, his voice somewhat threatening. He got a bad feeling from this person. They didn't move. 

    They were taller than him and wore ripped grey skinny jeans with black combat boots. They wore what appeared to be a fluffy-hooded, pale red jacket underneath a black leather trench coat. A black shirt covered them. That wasn't what caught Geno's attention. He saw the rope. They had a rope tied tightly around their neck, but it didn't seem to bother them. Parts of their body would occasionally glitch in and out of existence. Geno didn't understand. He glared at them. "What are you??" He demanded. "Are you one of Error's puppets??" 

     The hood covered their face. The jacket looked familiar. Geno blinked. Underfell. It looked like something he would see in Underfell. That made him even more uneasy. The human reached up all of a sudden, and he tensed. They were pulling back their hood. It was a female. Looked in her 20's. She was deathly pale with freckles and long grey hair. It had orange tips. Her eyes were dull, grey, and lifeless. Geno was slightly taken back for a moment, comparing her to a corpse in his mind. He shook it off. "Who are you??" He demanded. 

    The human's eyes slowly lifted and fixed on him. He felt himself shiver. Finally, the human opened her mouth. She spoke in a raspy voice that sounded like it hadn't been used for years. 

"Greetings... Geno..." 

     Immediately, Geno's eye lit up again. "How do you know my name?!" He demanded. Bones shot out of the ground, one sharp end just under her chin. She showed no signs of emotion. She blinked slowly. 

"I... heard a lot... about you..." 

    Geno furrowed his brow. Who was this freak?? He stared at her, clearly demanding an explanation. She blinked again and seemed to realize something. 

"Oh... how rude of me... my name... is Scooter." 

     Geno snorted. Scooter? "What kind of name is that?" He said, both amused and freaked out. His smile faded a bit when she locked eyes with him once again. 

"It's mine." 

     Her voice was soft. Even though t held no emotion, Geno felt like he'd messed up. That put him even more on edge. Geno sighed and stood up, closing his eye as he dispersed his gaster blaster. "Listen, kid... I'm not in the mood for games. How did you even get here??" 

    Scooter blinked at him again before giving a sigh. Something in her throat bubbled and Geno was startled for a moment. 

"I... need a favor..." 

    Geno shrugged. "Tough luck. I don't even know you!" He said, tipping his head. Scooter blinked at him, seeming unperturbed. Geno felt so uneasy. How did she know him?? Who was she?? Scooter took a deep breath. 

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now