Subject To Terror

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Ink sighed as he left another AU. Unsuccessful. Where was she?? He was back in the Omega Timeline. He blinked. Where was- He yelped as someone tackled him from behind and he was yanked back by an arm slung around his shoulder. "INKSTER!!" He sighed as he heard Fresh's enthusiastic voice.

"I can't find her, Fresh." He said, shrugging off Fresh's arm. Fresh skated in front of him on a skateboard before kicking it up to hold it. He had a huge grin on his face.

"Bro, I got you! She was here!" Immediately, Ink's eyes widened. What?! He stared at Fresh and Fresh nodded. "Yeah, man! Why didn't you tell me she didn't know bout Glitches?" Ink stopped. Error? He felt a sinking feeling in his chest as he stared at Fresh. "I sent the dudette over to go see him." He pointed over his shoulder to an off-white patch in the air, leading to Error's void. Ink was wide-eyed.

"You sent her to ERROR??" He asked in horror. Fresh's glasses changed to read WHAT WHY. He seemed confused as he nodded.

"Totally, bro! If anyone should be able to give her death, it's gotta be him! It's wiggedy wack if he can't!" Fresh said, grinning. Ink stared at him and Fresh's smile faded. He didn't seem to understand why Ink was so horrified. "Look, broski. I know you and Error have a truce, or whatever, but I'm sure he can make an exception for her."

Ink shook his head. "Error... is not a promise breaker. He won't destroy her. Not unless she provokes him enough. And because of her craving for death, there's no telling what she'd do to get him to kill her." He said, in a hushed, horrified voice. Fresh's glasses changed to read OH NO. The other skeleton seemed to realize the problem.

"Oh... I'm sorry! Oh stars!" Fresh cried out. Ink shook his head, starting towards the patch. He gave a smile over his shoulder.

"I got it, don't worry! Take care of the Omega Timeline!" With that, Ink jumped through the off-white patch and dropped into Error's void. He blinked. Where was Blue? Everyone who frequented the Omega Timeline knew about the Underswap Sans that Error has kidnapped. Usually, he'd immediately greet Ink. Ink was put off by the silence. He took a few steps forward, his eyes scanning over the white space and blue strings. He saw something.

Several strings were ripped and hung limply from the ceiling. They were covered in maroon blood. He shivered. No way. He reached out. "Ink?" Immediately, Ink whipped around, his eyes wide as he heard a voice. He relaxed as he saw who it was. Paperjam, a black skeleton child, smiled at him. Paperjam has appeared out of nowhere, but for Error and Ink. He'd appeared much like Goth had. He was spattered in paint and seemed to be drifting off into liquid bubbles. He tipped his head. "What are you doing here? Do you need something?"

Ink smiled at him. "Hey, PJ. I'm looking for Error and Blue." He said, his fingers on one hand fiddling with the bristles on his brush. Paperjam blinked before lighting up. He was holding a small paintbrush as always. The star in his bright pink eyes had brightened. He wore a hoodie, t-short and shorts. Finishing it off were pale slippers and black socks.

"I don't know where Blue went, but I know Error went to go have his monthly 'bad guy' meeting with Nightmare." The skeleton giggled as he used air quotations. Ink snorted and nodded. "Oh, is Fresh still up in the Omega Timeline?" At the mention of his name, a pink hue spread across Paperjam's cheeks and Ink chuckled.

"Yeah, you can go see him, y'know. I'm sure he'd love the company." Ink suggested. Paperjam lit up bright pink and covered his face in his scarf. He nodded, clearly flustered. Ink giggled and turned. He'd have to find Error before Scooter did. Especially since she had Blue. He froze and his smile faded.

She had Blue.

Ink was frozen. That was not good. Everyone knew how much Error treasured Blue, since he was the only one that really kept Error company in his void. Scooter craved death. And she'd do anything to get it. Ink quickly whipped out his brush and slashed out, before jumping through the Mark. He had to find her. He knew her plan.

He had to stop her before she hurt Blue. If Error couldn't kill her... he'd lose Blue. Ink began to move faster, jumping through multiple AU's in a moment.

Where were they?!

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