Happy Place

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The little skeleton smiled gleefully as he walked through the snow. The human was so nice!! He hoped they were doing well in Hotlands. He briefly wondered where his lazy brother was. He wore a blue, flowing scarf over shiny armor. His boots crunched through the snow. The small skeleton jumped as he heard something land behind him. He whipped around, eyes wide. Woah!! He blinked at the figure on the ground.

"Oh! Hello!" He said cheerfully. He was a bit confused on where they'd come from, but he was happy to meet someone new, nonetheless. He blinked. "O-Oh...! Another human!!" They kept their head down. He was momentarily taken  back, seeing as this human was nothing like the one he'd just sent on their way. He blinked and knelt down next to them. "Human?" They had long grey hair and pale skin with freckles.

He studied them, taking in the black leather jacket and grey skinny jeans. Combat boots and black shirt. He paused as he noticed a tightly-tied rope around their neck, almost hidden beneath yellow fur on a red hoodie. He jumped as part of their head seemed to glitch. For a single moment, the skeleton felt a wave of sadness sweep out from her. It was tinged with pain and he blinked, raising a gloved hand to his face. His eyes were watering. "Human...?" Finally, they lifted their head. He stared at them in dismay. It was a female.

Her eyes were dead and grey. Her face was absolutely still and emotionless, but tears were pouring down her face. He didn't understand. "F-Fear not, human!! I-I, the Magnificent Sans, will find a way to cheer you up!" He tried to comfort her, but she seemed unresponsive to it. He blinked as she turned to him. He was momentarily startled by the absolute dismay in her eyes for a moment as she saw him. He tried to keep his smile. He watched as she finally opened her mouth.


Her voice was raspy and monotonous. The skeleton seemed surprised. "I am blue!" He noted this with a nod. "But you may know me as Swap?" He asked, raising an eyebrow. The human seemed even more saddened by this and he jumped as the snow began to crystallize around her. Swap smiled and reached out a hand, offering it to her. "We should get you out of the cold! Come on, human!" He was slightly put off by the way she looked at him. It was almost as if she recognized him, but he wasn't the one she was expecting. She reached out and took his hand, allowing him to pull her up.

"... Thank you..."

Swap was momentarily surprised by that statement and nodded. "It was no problem at all!" He assured her. The human simply gave a singular nod. Swap gave one back before turning towards Snowdin, still leading her by the hand. She didn't stop him. "So, in order to have proper introductions, I believe I'd like to know your name!" He said, smiling. He blinked as he felt her grip tighten on his hand for a moment before disappearing. For a moment, there was no sound but the crunching of snow under their boots.

"... Scooter..."

Swap blinked before giggling. "MWEHEHEH! What a fun name!" He said cheerfully. He didn't hear Scooter again. When they arrived in Snowdin, monsters immediately noticed, wanting to get a look at her. Swap could hear them all whispering. "Well, this is Snowdin! Would you like to eat? We can go to Muffet's!" He gestured to the large, diner-looking building and turned back to look at her. He watched as she shook her head, quietly stating that she'd already eaten. Swap nodded before bouncing. "No matter! I will simply take you to my home!"

Swap started forward after he didn't hear any protest. Sure enough, he could tell Scooter was still following by the echoing crunching of snow under her boots behind his. They passed two mailboxes, one stuffed to the brim with papers and another that seemed utterly empty. Swap continued to lead Scooter through until they reached the door. He turned back to smile at Scooter before his smile faded. She was staring at the house with a sense of familiarity. Swap truly didn't understand this human. He shrugged and turned to his house, opening the door.

He let her inside before shutting the door and turned to her. "Welcome to the home of the Magnificent Sans and his... lazy, Magnificent Brother!" He gestured to the couch, where his Papyrus fixed a calm gaze on Scooter. Scooter turned to look at him.

"Heya..."  Papyrus' voice was slow and slurred. He slowly sat up, a bit of smoke coming from his cigarette. Swap huffed and scowled.

"Papy! No smoking in the house!!" Swap said. Papyrus sighed, blowing smoke out from behind his teeth.

"Who's she...?" The talker skeleton's gaze was fixed on Scooter and the other stared back at him. Scooter tipped her head making them both jump at an ugly crunching and grinding noise from her neck. Scooter sighed. She reached out.

"Do you... have any more? I... I'd like one..."

Her question was soft and Swap stared at her in horror. "Human! It's bad for your bones!!" He exclaimed in shock. Papyrus seemed surprised before nodding and reaching into his hoodie pocket. Scooter turned back to Swap.

"I'll go... outside..."

The way she said it made Swap realize she was promising him. That made him feel a bit better about it. He sighed before nodding and huffing quietly. He crossed his arms and he thought he saw a small flicker of amusement in Scooter's lifeless eyes.

She turned back in time for Papyrus to hand her a cigarette and a lighter. "How about you join me outside?" The taller skeleton offered. Scooter blinked before nodding. Swap wanted to go too. He watched as they left before sneaking out and peering through the door. He could see both of them on the porch. Papyrus was sitting and Scooter was standing. Papyrus blew a puff of smoke and Scooter did the same.

Swap jumped as she coughed and the smoke that blew out of her mouth was red. Scooter sighed, seeming unaffected. "So... What brings you here, pal?" Swap blinked as his brother spoke in a hesitant tone. He was confused. Did his brother not trust her? She clearly wasn't a problem! Scooter blew out another red puff of smoke. Why was some of the smoke coming from her neck?? Swap was mildly alarmed by that.

"I won't hurt him... If that is what concerns you."

Swap blinked. What? He watched as Papyrus stared at her, as if trying to decide if he believed her or not. Swap didn't understand why Papyrus didn't trust the human. Why wouldn't he trust them? It wasn't like the human was there to kill all of them! Papyrus seemed to relax and nodded, turning back to look at the makeshift stars in the Underground cavern ceiling.

"...If you say so, friend..."

Book 1: The First Fallen Human Where stories live. Discover now